Radio Flyer | fr

Tout commence lorsque Madame Yorke offre à son fils Thomas sa première guitare, à l'occasion de son 8ème anniversaire. Dès lors, ce dernier n'a plus qu'une idée : intégrer un groupe, ce qu'il réalisera deux ans plus tard. En 1982, il intégrera son deuxième groupe : TNT. Mais Thom Yorke aspire vite à autre chose que le punk qu'il pratique avec ces formations, quelque chose de plus personnel. Interviennent alors deux de ses camarades d'école d'Abingdon, dans l'Oxfordshire : Colin Greenwood et Ed O'Brien, vite rejoints par Phil Selway, ils créent On A Friday en 1987. Jonny Greenwood, le frère...
Au début du XXe siècle, Radio Moscow était la radio d’État russe, véritable instrument de propagande qui prendra le nom de Voice of Russia à l’aube de la guerre froide. Aujourd’hui, il s'agit d' un groupe américain qui milite en faveur d’un rock and roll inspiré de Cream, Jimi Hendrix ou Blue Cheer. À l’origine, on trouve le touche à tout Parker Griggs, citoyen de Ames (Iowa, États-Unis), dont la principale occupation est son one-man band Garbage Composal. Après une année de composition, Griggs enregistre quelques démos sous le nouveau nom de Radio Moscow (certains titres sont écoutables ici). On...
Formed in July 2007, 99RadioService (pronounced nine-nine-radio-service and not ninety-nine) is a five-piece inspired by The Beatles, Buddy Holly, The Hollies, and The Byrds. Founded by members Ko-hey (Vocals, Guitar), Ko-ta (Guitar, Chorus), Ne-gi (Drums), Go-i (Keyboard), and Katsu (Bass) - In November 2011, Katsu withdrew from the group and was replaced by support bassist Jigen. homepage .
Radion the solo artist: Radion is Bart Folmer. He studied at the Conservatory in Amsterdam and the art academy AKI in Enschede, the Netherlands. Bart was a member of California, started Stanzacrew, started Pixelpasta and is now working solo as a musician, deejay, veejay, video/audio artist and graphic designer. He is also co-founder of artists initiative WILLIE, Havenkwartier and esc.rec.He is co-owner of Slowlands festval and owner of PIKNIK bar. There are two acts named Radion, the one is a band, the other is a solo artist. Radion the band: At best, Radion would be called a one note band....
Radioactivity is a continuation of The Novice - Jeff Burke's band while living in Japan. Jeff has since moved back to Texas, and out of respect to the Japanese lineup of the band, has changed the name to Radioactivity. Some of these songs are re-purposed Novice tracks, while others are brand new. Jeff is one of the most distinctive songwriters in the punk rock underground, and these songs will sound instantly familiar to any fans of THE MARKED MEN or The POTENTIAL JOHNS. Band members include Jeff Burke, Mark Ryan and Gregory Rutherford, whose credits read like an all-star lineup...