Oscar Peterson, Billie Holiday | fr

Oscar Lopez (born 1954 in Santiago, Chile) is a Chilean-Canadian folk guitarist. Lopez moved to Canada in 1979 and settled in Calgary, Alberta. He began pursuing music as a career, becoming a popular draw on the Canadian folk festival circuit, and released his debut album, Hola, in 1989. Several of his albums have been nominated for Canada's Juno Awards, and 2000's Armando's Fire was his first Juno win, for Best Instrumental Album. He has recorded on the Narada label. Although he has continued recording, Lopez has not toured or performed in several years due to a battle with depression ....
Holidays is a dream-pop Italian band from Rome "with songs and DIY-visuals inspired by their European travels, Roman summers, and youthful nostalgia" (SBWR). If we should describe their music, we could say that it's a "sunny bucolic daydream, drenched in reverb and lovelorn lyrics" . .
Oscar Emmanuel Peterson est un pianiste et un compositeur de jazz canadien. Il est né le 15 août 1925 à Montréal, Québec, Canada et décédé ,le 23 décembre 2007. Il commença à apprendre la trompette et son père lui apprit à jouer du piano à l'âge de cinq ans, mais vers l’âge de sept ans il se consacra au piano. Il gagna rapidement une réputation de pianiste techniquement brillant et de pianiste de jazz mélodieusement inventif, et devint un invité régulier des radios. Il apparut la première fois au Carnegie Hall en 1949. Il joua et enregistra entre autres accompagné...
Billie Ray Martin describes herself as “a kid from Hamburg’s red-light district, who wanted to be a soul singer, but ended up playing repetitive machine music, while still trying to be a soul singer". Dubbed the "queen of electronic soul", Billie first came to prominence as a guest with S'Express before leading the acclaimed deep house act Electribe 101, her unique voice hitting both the house scene and charts with a strong infusion of soul. Electribe 101 scored a brace of hits including the classic Talking With Myself and the album Electribal Memories, gaining rave reviews worldwide, before Billie departed...