Nilze Carvalho | fr

Née au Brésil, Beth Carvalho est une musicienne renommée dans le milieu de la samba depuis les années 70. Elle a eu de nombreux tubes au fil des décennies et a participé à plusieurs co-productions. Elle a aussi enregistré beaucoup d’albums, parmi lesquels « Beth Carvalho No Pagode », qui est considéré comme un chef d’œuvre, et notamment un album live au MJF en 1987. Je cite une blogueuse : "Beth Carvalho est un monument, un mythe". Sources : .
Manuel Paulo de Carvalho Costa (born in Lisbon, May 15th 1947) is a Portuguese singer/songwriter. He started in the band "Os Sheiks", known as the "Portuguese Beatles", ended in 1968 by his call to the Portuguese army. When back from the army, he was a part of various projects (Fluido e Thilo´s Combo) before starting his solo career. He participated in the Eurovision Song Contest in 1974 with the song 'E Depois do Adeus'. This song is widely know in Portugal as being a trigger for the start of the "Revolução dos Cravos" in the 25th April of 1974 that...
Guilherme Carvalho, born in 1974, is a Brazilian composer and a researcher in music. In Brasília, he studied the cello with Ataíde de Mattos, and composition with Jorge Antunes. Living in Paris since 2000, he has completed a doctorate at Université de Paris VIII, under the direction of Horacio Vaggione, and has also studied composition with José Manuel López López, Jacopo Baboni Schilingi and Hans Tutschku. In October 2002, his doctoral research was rewarded with the Aguirre-Basualdo scholarship, of the Chancellerie des Universités de Paris; he is the first musician to have received this award. He is presently a teacher...