Max Bruch | fr

Max Christian Friedrich Bruch est un compositeur allemand, né à Cologne le 6 janvier 1838 et mort à Berlin le 2 octobre 1920 Il a composé une œuvre qui a rencontré dès sa création (tout comme aujourd'hui) un vif succès, son Concerto pour violon n° 1, op. 26, commencé en 1864, ainsi que la Fantaisie écossaise pour violon et orchestre et son Kol nidrei pour violoncelle et orchestre, régulièrement enregistrés au disque. D'autres partitions en dehors de son concerto pour violon ont retenu l'attention de solistes exigeants, en particulier les danses suédoises pour clarinette et une petite pièce pour hautbois....
Windbruch is an atmospheric black metal solo project from Russia which was formed by Mikhailov Rodion in 2009. It combines elements of post black metal, ambient and doom metal with the intention of creating a hypnotizing atmosphere. The meaning of the name Windbruch is "windfall" and was taken from the novel "Nomads of the North" by American writer James Oliver Curwood - a place where the main characters were hiding to find a salvation from owls. The debut full-length titled "Collision of the Worlds" was recorded in winter 2009 and was released in the end of the same year by...
Born in 1969, studied Communication Design at Central Saint Martins School in London, where he acquired a Masters of Arts and Design with distinction. He now lives and works as a musician and graphic designer in Zurich, Switzerland. In 2002 his composition Zwischen.raum (Domizil15, Zurich, 2002) was distinguished with the Max Brand Award for Electronic Music (phonoTAKTIK.02 Festival, New York). In the same year he received a compositional scholarship from “Pro Helvetia”, Arts Council of Switzerland, to work on his release Circa (Line_012, New York, 2003). In March 2004 the Mini CD-Rom –00:dedaih, which contains an audio/visual installation by Steinbrüchel/Brusa,...