Mamadou KaneWaraba | fr

Mamadou Diabate est né à Kita (Mali) en 1975. Fils de Djelimory N'fa Diabate (Ensemble instrumental du Mali où il tenait la kora), cousin de Toumani Diabate, Mamadou s'est installé aux Etats Unis et a multiplié les rencontres avec des musiciens américains (jazz, blues, etc...) ce qui lui a sans doute permis d'étoffer son jeu et sa technique d'improvisateur. Autres enregistrements de Mamadou Diabate : Tunga (en solo, 2000) Behmanka (2003) .
Driven by the underlying rythums that make up the fabric of his Exsistence, Mamadou Kante' upholds the meaning,... the meaning of "being true to yourself" , which embodies your soul.. giving his delivery to these rythums a potent consiousness! .
Mamadou Alioune Barry was born in 1947, in Guinea —then a French colony. His father played the accordion and drums in one of the most famous orchestras of that time, Le Pavillon Bleu, in Kindia. He taught Mamadou his first lessons and passed on to him his passion for music. Mamadou Barry is a multi-instrumentalist —he not only plays tenor, alto and soprano sax but also flute and percussion — as well as a fine connoisseur of all the sub-region’s rhythms and music styles. Open to all musical trends, he has insisted on self-producing his first album Niyo under his...