Luciano Perrone | fr

- "The New Voice of the Clarinet" (front page of De Klarinet) - “Masterful Clarinet! Luca is a noted Italian clarinettist and composer who now makes his home in London, having developed an enviable reputation as an instrumental virtuoso around the UK and overseas via recordings and concert hall appearances” (Musician Magazine) - “Luciano is one of Europe's leading exponent of jazz clarinet” (BBC Radio) Internationally recognized for his groundbreaking contributions to contemporary clarinet music, praised by Musical Opinion (UK’s oldest classical music magazine) for his “constantly beautiful tone”, he starts his career at a very young age and has...
Luciano Pereyra was born in the bonaerense town of Lujan, September 21, 1981. He is an Argentine singer. His full name is Luciano Ariel Pereyra. His first contact with music was when he was 3 years old, his parents saw that he has a talent in music, they gave him a guitar for Christmas. The following year, he competed in a television program from the old ATC now Canal 7 Argentina. At age of 9, he participated in Festilindo, a competition program oriented for children. When he was 10, he sang in the agenda item Xuxa de León Gieco Sólo...
Compositeur italien de génie. Il s'est tué en 1983 à l'âge de 33 ans. 'Dell'universo assente' est son seul disque, sorti en 1977 + des enregistrements inédits. Cilio s'intéresse au son lui-même à travers les mélodies, les rythmes et les harmonies proposés. Une musique très intime, boulversante mais toujours accessible. .