Latif Bolat | fr

Nama Penuh: Imratul Najwa Binti Abdul Latif Nama Pentas: Najwa Latif Tarikh Lahir: 23rd May 1995 Tempat Lahir: Batu Pahat, Johor Tinggi: 155cm Berat: 47kg Umur: 16 Status:Pelajar Sekolah SMK(P) Temenggong Ibrahim Batu Pahat Johor. Laman Sosial: Blog: Facebook Fanpages: najwalatif Twitter : @njwalatif youtube : .
LATIF was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His early passion for music came mainly from his parents, who, ironically, were not musically-inclined. This passion for music developed into an interest in singing. A close friend of LATIF's family, Teddy Pendergrass, served as a mentor for the young budding artist. It was this mentorship that taught LATIF how to "deliver" songs. This relationship was nurtured by LATIF being taken along with Teddy to various interviews and appearances. It was this that led to LATIF being noticed by the daughter of a label executive. Which brought about his first recording contract with Sony/550.[2]...
Famed rapper, singer, model and actress Dana Elaine Owens, better known by her stage name Queen Latifah, was born on March 18, 1970, in Newark, New Jersey. Her debut album All Hail to the Queen sold more than 1 million copies, and the single U.N.I.T.Y. earned Latifah her first Grammy Award. Latifah has also garnered acclaim for acting; she earned her first Oscar nomination (best supporting actress) for her performance in the blockbuster musical Chicago. She has also earned a Golden Globe award, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, two Image Awards, six additional Grammy nominations, an Emmy Award nomination and...
Née en 1960, Latifa Al Arfawi, appelée par ses admirateurs Latifa Al Tunissia, a parcouru un long chemin depuis son arrivée en Egypte au début des années 1980 pour étudier la musique. Originaire du quartier Sidi Amr de Tunis, elle a étudié l'allemand pendant 18 mois dans son pays avant de décider de partir en Egypte pour s'inscrire à l'Institut de Musique Arabe du Caire. Des compositeurs égyptiens de légende tels Mohammad Abdel Wahab et Baligh Hamdin remarquèrent rapidement le talent de Latifa, peu de temps après son arrivée dans leur pays, et ils l'encouragèrent à poursuivre une carrière de...
Latif Bolat, one of the most renowned Turkish musicians in North America , is a native of the Turkish Mediterranean town of Mersin. After receiving his degree in folklore and music at Gazi University in Ankara, Turkey, he taught traditional music throughout the country. He then went on to manage Ankara Halk Tiyatrosu, a musical theater company, which performed traditional musical plays. Mr. Bolat also received additional degrees in Turkish History and Middle East Religion and Politics from Ankara University and an MBA from San Francisco State University. .