Jānis Zābers | fr

Full name: Jānis Stībelis Genre: R’n’B/Pop/Soul/Rock/Jazz Competitions: Laureate of International pop music competitions: New Wave 2002, Discovery 2003. Experience: Started working professionally at the age of 6. Formed his first band in music school, then had more than 10 projects that gained popularity all over the Baltic States. Has released 4 albums ("Don’t Turn Away" in English, with Shake&Bake; "Inspiration" (in English), "Paliec Tepat" (in Latvian)"Lubof Nastala" (in russian)). Leads an active concert life in Baltic States and Russia, also had concerts in the USA, France, Ukraine, UK, Sweden and Germany. .
Janis Ian (née le 7 avril 1951 à New York dans le Bronx) est une chanteuse américaine, de son vrai nom Janis Eddy Fink. Auteur-compositeur-interprète, elle joue de plusieurs instruments, dont la guitare, son instrument de prédilection. Née dans un hôpital du Bronx, elle passe son enfance dans le sud New Jersey, dans la ferme de ses parents. Ce sont eux qui l'initient à la musique, et dès son plus jeune âge elle baigne dans un mélange de classique, de folk et de jazz et commence le piano à l'âge de deux ans. Elle écrit sa première chanson a 12...
Tim Janis is an American composer with 10 Billboard charting CDs, over one million albums sold, four National Public Television Specials, and a constant touring presence. Tim Janis has worked with some of the top artists in the music and entertainment business -- from Paul McCartney, Billy Joel, and Ray Charles, to George Clooney and James Earl Jones, and he has conducted the Czech National Symphony, the Kwazulu Natal Philharmonic, and the Hartford Symphony Orchestra. His unique gift to create emotional melodies and craft lush and soothing orchestral soundscapes has won him many fans. Janis also has a strong commitment...
Chanteuse américaine, Janis Lyn Joplin est née le 19 janvier 1943 à Port Arthur, ville portuaire du Texas. Elle est décédée d'une overdose le 4 octobre 1970 à Los Angeles. Janis Joplin a marqué les esprits grâce à sa voix très maîtrisée, puissante et nuancée, avec une tessiture assez étendue et un timbre de voix particulièrement rocailleux, ce qui diffère notablement des styles folk et jazz assez communs chez beaucoup d'artistes blancs de l'époque, ainsi que ses thèmes lyriques tournant autour de la souffrance et de la perte. Pour beaucoup, elle personnifia l'époque des Sixties ou le son de San...
Byron Janis (born 1928) became one of the most brilliant of his generation of American pianists before his career was cut short by illness. At the age of 7 he was taken to New York, becoming a pupil of Adele Marcus, then of Joseph and Rosina Lhévinne. In 1943 he made his professional debut playing Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No. 2 with the NBC Symphony Orchestra in New York, with Frank Black conducting. In 1944 he repeated the same concerto in Pittsburgh with 13-year-old Lorin Maazel conducting the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. Vladimir Horowitz was in the audience, and subsequently invited Janis...