Johann Strauss I | fr

Johanna Kurkela (born 10 April, 1985 in Lumijoki, Finland) is a Finnish singer. She started to play the violin at the age of five and continued for for seven years. She went on to the classical piano a few years later. She attended secondary school in Oulu at Madetojan musiikkilukio (an upper secondary school, otherwise known as a gymnasium in other parts of Europe) specializing in music. Her first published work was the duet Tahdon tanssia kanssasi with Tomi Metsäketo in 2004. Kurkela released her first album Hetki hiljaa in 2005. She got a lot of publicity in Finnish Preselection...
Johann Georg Albrechtsberger (1736-1809) was an Austrian music theorist, organist, and composer. Born in Klosterneuburg on the 3rd February 1736, he originally studied music at Melk Abbey and philosophy at a Benedictine seminary in Vienna, and became one of the most learned and skillful contrapuntists of his age. Albrechtsberger's earliest classmates included Michael Haydn and Franz Joseph Aumann. After being employed as organist at Raab in 1755 and Maria Taferl in 1757, he was appointed Thurnermeister back at Melk Abbey. In 1772 he was appointed organist to the court of Vienna, and in 1792 Kapellmeister of St Stephen's Cathedral. His...
Johann Heinrich Schmelzer (né vers 1623, mort en 1680 à Prague) fut un violoniste, compositeur et maître de chapelle autrichien de la période baroque. On est réduit aux conjectures quant à sa formation initiale ; ce qui est certain c'est qu'il fut membre de la Chapelle Royale (Hofkapelle) de Vienne à compter de 1649. Il dirigea la musique instrumentale de l'empereur à partir de 1658 et en 1671, il devint vice-maître de chapelle de Léopold Ier. Celui-ci l'anoblit en 1673 et le nomma en 1679 maître de chapelle au décès de son prédécesseur. En 1680, toute la Cour quitta Vienne...
Johann Wilhelm Hertel (né à Eisenach le 3 octobre 1727 - mort à Schwerin le 14 juin 1789) est un compositeur allemand. .