History for Sale | fr

There are multiple artists on this page. 1. HISTORY is a 5-member South Korean group formed in 2013, under LOEN Entertainment. They debuted on April 26th, 2013 with their first single album “Dreamer”. The group consists of Jang Yijeong (main vocal), Na Dokyun (main vocal), Kim Jaeho (sub-vocal and rapper), Song Kyungil (leader, sub-vocal, rapper) and Kim Sihyoung (rapper). 2. History is a 3-piece instrumental group located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. They have one album “Love? My Dear, You Kiss Like A Hedonist” and are currently writing and playing around the midwest. www.myspace.com/historyband 3. Similarly enamored of atmospherics, History rocks to...
Les Sales Majestés font partie de, voire représentent ce qu'on pourrait appeler le punk made in 90's... Du moins chronologiquement parlant, puisqu'ils font toujours du punk comme on en faisait en 77 et dans les années 80. Alors quoi, ils seraient en retard ? Bien sûr que non, puisque finalement si on y regarde à deux fois on a autant de raisons de faire du punk en 98 qu'en 77 (si ce n'est plus) ! D'ailleurs ils le disent eux-mêmes : "Aujourd'hui est pire qu'hier mais meilleur que demain. C'est un peu un cliché mais nous pensons sincèrement que c'est...
Epic Rap Battles of History is a Youtube sensation by Nice Peter and Epic lloyd. The whole concept is that the watchers can suggest two persons that they want to see in a rap battle. In the videos they have for example featured Justin Bieber, Gandalf, Adolf Hitler, Darth Vader, Stephen Hawking, Napoleon, Gengis Khan, Albert Einstein, Easter Bunny etc. Nice Peter and Epic Lloyd Ahlquist are usually acting the characters, yet they've had numerous guests like DeStorm and MC Mr Napkins. You can see what they have done on their website http://www.epicrapbattlesofhistory.com/ .
Yussuf Jerusalem is a psychedelic rock musician from France. Also having played under the banner of Yussuf Jerusalem and the Riders of Allah, the imagery on his Myspace site pokes at Western Culture's embedded fear of cave dwelling dudes in black hoods whose jihad-fueled hatred burns in the secluded cliffs of a mountain in Afghanistan. Coupled with the black metal imagery on his debut album, "A Heart Full of Sorrow", released in 2009 on Floridas Dying, which visually brings to mind old world monks casting spells in burlap ropes, one might expect something completely different from this record once the...
Jerusalem In My Heart (JIMH) is a project of contemporary Arabic and electronic music interwoven with 16mm film projections and light-based (de)constructions of space, exploring a relationship between music, visuals, projections and audience. With performances thus far occurring once or twice a year, no two JIMH events have ever been the same: configurations have ranged from solo to 35 participants, with varying degrees of stage theatrics alongside a film & visual component, using multiple projections to construct a space in constant flux. JIMH's vocals and purposefully blown-out sonic sensibility have been the consistent thread, but neither its music nor visual...
A trouvé 5 Chansons, durée: 02:00:05
History for Sale
History For Sale (VA Carving Mirages 2010)
(2003) History For Sale
History for Sale (2003) (Full Album)