Graven Scars | fr

Scars From A Dead Room are a mysterious Canadian project that release their debut on the equally mysterious but unique French label Distant Voices. Behind this name is hiding one man, alone on board and armed with darkness and despair. From the endless canadian winter, Scars From a Dead Room build a misanthropic and inner vision of the outside world, resulting in a black, oppressive and raw metal. This 8-tracks piece designs the first deflagration of SFADR’s sound approach, between philosophical thought and feral instinct. .
Sakke Paavola - Vocals Joonas Paananen - Guitar Tuomas Kauppinen - Guitar Tuppu Kumpulainen - Bass Ville Halonen - Drums Biography: Reprisal Scars was born in the fall of 2003 in Jyväskylä, Finland when four employees of club Lutakko decided to form a band. The first demo was released just a few months later in January 2004. Due to positive feedback the band decided to write more material and after intensive training and a few line-up changes later their second demo, Evidence saw daylight in the year 2005. The demo appeared to be a minor hit, it sold over 1000...
Bergraven turns the traditional blast-and-flay aesthetic of "frost bitten grimness" on its ear and comes at you with sweeping riff dirges, winding cinematic passages, melodic guitar interludes, tortured-yet-vaguely authoritarian and Germanic vocal overtones and ambient pedal steel excursions. Formed in 2002 by the single member of Bergraven, Pär Gustafsson. The discography so far has consisted of two demos, two full-length albums, and a third LP is planned for release in 2009 on Hydra Head Records. .
Primitive Graven Image was formed in 2006 in Buckinghamshire, UK by guitarists and brothers Rob and Luke Lehane aka Ljosalfur and Dokkalfur, out of a love for the traditional black metal style. Immortal, Darkthrone and Emperor were the flavour of the day and a 6 track demo of spontaneous, infectious blackness was swiftly kicked into shape. In just 2 months, the band were offered a deal and signed to Pennsylvania based Open Grave Records, who released the band's demo to the press as a sign of things to come. The band's debut album "Traversing The Awesome Night" was released in...
Cerebral Scars/CS is an electronic producer from the UK. .