Gil do Carmo | fr

Carmody was an Italian synthpop / minimal synth band from Torino, Italy. The line-up consisted of Andrea Lesmo (synthesisers, tapes, bass, guitar) and Alberto Ramella (vocals) with the some help from Massimiliano Casacci (guitar - nowadays in Subsonica and running the Casasonica Studios) at the later stage of their existence. They recorded from 1981 to 1985 and issued three incredibly rare demo tapes. In 2009, a "Best Of" compilation CD titled "A Better Spider" was issued by German label Anna Logue Records. They were mates of Monuments and Chromagain, also following a similar musical path with predominant synthesisers and drum...
His name is Carmona, like his distant cousins of the Habichuelas dynasty of Granada, all guitarists. In 1963, one year after the exile, he was born in Lyons, France. Juan Carmona was barely 10 when his father gave him his first guitar. His virtuosity became quickly apparent to professional musicians and it was only a matter of time before he began gathering international acclaim Juan Carmona soon felt the urge to return to the land of his ancestors, to go back to his roots and to imbibe again at the family spring – Jerez de la Frontera in Andalusia –...
Carlos do Carmo was born in Lisbon Portugal in 1939. He was the son of Lucília do Carmo (one of the greatest fadistas of the 20th century) and Alfredo de Almeida, (bookseller and later entrepreneur in the hotel business). His parents were also the owners of the famous Lisbon restaurant "O Faia". One might say that Carlos do Carmo was raised in an artistic atmosphere. His parents' house in the old part of the city, Bairro Alto, was a place where intelectuals and artists gathered, some of the more prominent figures of Lisbon society at that time. He studied the...
Kev Carmody grew up on the Western Darling Downs area of Southern Queensland. His early childhood was simple but happy, mixing mostly with stockmen, drovers, fencers, ring-barkers and timber-getters. His family, although poor lived largely off the land growing vegetables near the small three roomed ant-bed floored hut and hunting and catching everything from kangaroos to fish. In 1956, when he was ten, Carmody was sent to a “Christian school” which he has described as “little more than an orphanage”. After school Kev returned to his rural roots working for seventeen years as a back country labourer doing everything from...