Gaл Bolg | fr

Gaë Bolg is an obscure French neofolk act with strong renaissance and medieval influences. The name comes from the spear of Cúchulainn, a hero from early Irish mythology. .
Ray Bolger (January 10, 1904 – January 15, 1987) was an American entertainer of stage and screen, best known for his portrayal of the Scarecrow and Kansas farmworker Hunk in the 1939 film, The Wizard of Oz. .
One of the many musical projects of frontman Eric Roger (others include Gaë Bolg, Sol Invictus, Seven Pines and l'Orchestre Noir), Gaë Bolg and the Church of Fand are held in high esteem by fans of the neofolk, neoclassical genre. Eric Roger is himself a music teacher, living in Paris, France. The music itself is difficult to categorize, although it could be described as neomedieval orchestration with a martial industrial edge. Never totally serious, the songs range from glockenspiel ditties to full on bombastic marches and everything in between. Gaë Bolg and the Church of Fand take their name from...
Celtic and Pagan influenced Gothic Rock Band from New York City .