Fort Wilson Riot | fr

Mezzoforte are an Icelandic Jazz-Funk Fusion ensemble. They shot to the world's attention in 1983 with Garden Party from the Surprise Surprise LP. They are still performing in 2004 with the original lineup. The band members are: Eythor Gunnarsson - Keyboards Fridrik Karlsson - Guitars Gunnlaugur Briem - Drums Johann Asmundsson - Bass Kristinn Svavarsson - Saxophones They awoke many musicians, as well as united them in the lyrics from Garden Party that evoked images of the iconic demise of The Beatles and included bold, yet humorous sarcastic references to differentials in time/space to polarites such as Rick Nelson and...
There is a number of artists with the name Fortuna: 1) A Jewish-Brazilian singer and composer, Fortuna has a solid background in music, dance and theatrical arts. For several years she performed with different artists in Brazil and abroad, singing Brazilian popular music. A gifted composer, she created a whole repertoire of songs with poet Paulo Leminski. It was during a tour in Israel in 1991 that she heard Sephardic music for the first time. This fortunate encounter would be a turning point in her life. "It a was a magic moment’", she says. "I felt all the beauty, sweetness...
Wilson Pickett est un chanteur américain de Soul et de Rhythm and Blues né le 18 mars 1941 à Prattville, Alabama, décédé le 19 janvier 2006 d'une crise cardiaque, à Reston (Virginie). Il fut dans les années 1960 un pionnier de la musique soul, célèbre pour ces morceaux tels que In the Midnight Hour, Mustang Sally, Funky Broadway et Land of 1 000 Dances. À ses débuts membres du groupe The Falcons, il s'est fait connaître par sa carrière en solo, mais en travaillant souvent en collaboration avec d'autres artistes. Le jeune Wilson Pickett commence sa carrière de chanteur comme...
Quiet Riot est un groupe de heavy metal américain créé en 1975. Ils ont contribué à lancer la scène glam metal dans les années 1980. C'est en 1983 que ce mouvement prend une réelle ampleur commerciale. En effet, l'arrivée en tête des classements de "Metal Health", album de Quiet Riot, démontre aux yeux des maisons de disques que le glam metal est viable commercialement parlant. Jusqu'à alors, la célébrité et le succès acquis par les groupes comme Twisted Sister, Mötley Crüe ou W.A.S.P., bien que respectables, n'étaient pas comparables à ceux d'artistes plus orientés pop/rock : à ce moment-là, Quiet...
There are multiple artists known as Patriot: 1. Patriot is a four piece alternative/indie band from Chapel Hill, North Carolina 2. Patriot is a rock band formed by Cove Reber, who is formally from the band Saosin 1. "Patriot is, and always will be, a non-political and anti-racist band!" --Eddie Bastard Patriot is a four piece Oi! band, first formed in October of 1990 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina (USA), a town known far more for its post-granola hippie and elitist alternative/indie music scene - not the most fertile soil to grow Oi! and streetpunk in, but as they say,...
A trouvé 5 Chansons, durée: 18:49
Nothing Changes (It's A Riddle)
Out Of The Ocean
Three Kinds Of Empty Space