Decline of the Reptiles | fr

The Reptiles Inspired by the punk ethic that anyone can make music, The Reptiles formed in the spring of 1979 despite the fact that at that time only one member could actually play an instrument. Experience and ability to play were never at the top of the Reptiles' list of priorities and in the Punk/New Wave world of the late 1970s, attitude was generally considered at least as important as musical ability. In true punk band style, the idea to form a band just happened one day in conversation between Steve and Paul. It was obvious that Rich would be...
With a lineage that includes legendary Sydney bands ME-262, Trans Love Energies, the Fifth Estate, the Visitors and the Soul Movers, Decline Of The Reptiles have re-emerged from a long sleep to stake a fresh claim as Australian rock and roll music’s most intriguing outfit. Born on the sweaty inner-city pub circuit in 1982, the first version of the band spawned a single (“What I Feel”) and two EPs (“The Hammer Speaks”, “Too Much …Armour, Not Enough Brains”) before going into hibernation five years later. The inclusion of their “Don’t Look Down” on the first “Do The Pop!” retrospective collection...
The French Decline Of The I, a project led by A.K. - a musician known from a vast number of cognoscible underground metal acts such asVorkreist, Merrimack, Neo Inferno 262, Malhkebre, Diapsiquir, Eros Necrospique etc. The debut album is a bold conjunction of quality Post Black Metal influences: the band describes itself as a mix betweenBurzum, Neurosis and Code. .
The Decline are a fast melodic punk quartet from Perth, Western Australia, who after the success of their debut album 'I'm Not Gonna Lie To You', are all set to launch their latest album 'Are You Gonna Eat That?'. Their new album follows its predecessor with their signature punk sound and social awareness and delves deeper into the evolution of relationships and the life of a touring band. Drawing their influences from such bands as Frenzal Rhomb, Lagwagon, Less Than Jake and many more of the 90s skate punk bands, The Decline have been touring consistently around Australia cementing themselves...
"Alpine Decline are a two piece rock band buried beneath a hundred feet of snow. A caustic guitar with rippling delay rides on expansive, tidal drumming. Their eponymous first record, the follow up "VISUALIZATIONS" and "DISAPPEARANCE" unwinds with trickling melodies with lyrics like glimpses into some lost film or yellowed manuscript. Live, the pair push off each other and throw heavy punches, channeling their sounds through layers of tape. Alpine Decline continue to write and record." .
A trouvé 11 Chansons, durée: 45:01
Time Stands Still
The Hammer Speaks
Time Stands Still
The Hammer Speaks