Damien Sargue | fr

Damien Rice a commencé sa carrière de musicien en tant que chanteur du groupe rock Juniper, qui a sorti deux singles. Alors que le groupe est sur le point d'enregistrer un album, Damien décide de le quitter (les autres membres ont formé le groupe Bell X1) et part sillonner l'Europe. Lorsqu'il rentre en Irlande, il se lance dans sa première maquette solo. En 2004 la chanson "The Blower's Daughter" de son premier album O est choisie pour la BO du film Closer, entre adultes consentants. Une autre chanson de l'album est utilisée brièvement dans ce film, ce sont les premières...
There are 8 bands and 3 artists called Damien:- 1: A hardcore/metal band from Sweden 2. A thrash metal band from Sweden 3: An indie-pop/postpunk band from Italy 4: An American classic heavy metal band 5: A one-off electronic death-metal/industrial noise project 6: A Norwegian metal band 7: A Russian sympho-metal band 8: A French musician releasing on AIR's Record Makers label. 9: A Malaysian death metal band. 10. A Croatian trance -based DJ. 11. The trap side-project of Raddons. 1: Damien is a hardcore/metal-band (the expression is worn out, but it works) hailing from Karlstad, Sweden. The band was...
Founded in 1983, Damien Thorne consistently packed venues, and astonished crowds with their powerful and aggressive style of Heavy Metal. After two hard years of proving themselves to be among the elite on the Chicago club scene, the band landed a recording contract with CobraA&M/RoadRunner Records. Following the release of their debut album: (The Sign of the Jackal) in 1986, the band set out on a successful tour playing with bands such as NUCLEAR ASSAULT, FASTWAY and many others. Heavy radio airplay and strong record sales in Europe, Canada and Asia ensured the band's success, along with a very favorable...
Auteur-compositeur-interprète franco-ontarien, originaire de Lafontaine, village du centre de l'Ontario. Damien Robitaille est un artiste musical tout à fait singulier qui laque ses chansons de détournements de sens ... Au premier abord l'enveloppe et le sujet peuvent nous sembler enfantin, mais au fil de l'écoute la chanson prend sens et substance pour séduire l'oreille et l'encéphale ! Son accent, son style et l'angle avec lequel il aborde la chanson font de lui un artiste reconnaissable entre mille ... Il a une griffe et du panache ... Un heureux mélange entre un loup et un orignal! .
Damiens was a Czech musical group, which was created in 1997 by the brothers Ladislav Křížek and Miroslav Křížek. In 1998, their single “Lásko měj se” successfully began their career. In March of 1999, their first album, “Křídla”, was released. The album was awarded with a Golden Record. It was recorded in Hannover at the house of Jan Němec. In 2000, their 2nd album, “Svět zázraků”, was released and was respectively awarded a Golden Record for the sale of 25,000 copies. The group won another Golden Record for the sales of their album “Nechci zůstat sám”. .