Czech Philharmonic, Karel Ančerl, Josef Suk | fr

Official site: 八木類(Gt/Syn/Cho)、武井優心(Vo/Ba)、 吉田アディム(Gt/Syn/Cho)、山崎正太郎(Dr/Cho) 2010年 3月 Vo/Bの武井優心、Drの山崎正太郎が中心となり結成。同月31日下北沢にて初ライブ。 4月 サポートギターで吉田アディムが参加し、その後正式加入。 5月 武井(B)とアディム(G)がThe Mirrazのサポートメンバーとしてツアーに参加。 11月 結成半年にして、初音源”erectionary”(エレクショナリー)をタワーレコード限定発売。 同月 The MirrazのツアーのOAとして全国を回る。 2011年 2月 サポートギターだった八木が正式加入し新作の制作に着手。 6月 初の全国流通となる4曲入りシングル”Casually”(カジュアリー)をリリース。 10月 待望の1stアルバム”Maminka”をリリース。 「母なる大地ツアー」と題したリリースツアーを全国7箇所で行い、大盛況に終わる。 2012年 6月 2枚目となるミニアルバム”DINOSAUR”リリース決定。 .
Josef Salvat is an Australian London-based singer-songwriter. Salvat released his debut single This Life in March 2013, which was later included on the In Your Prime EP, alongside Open Season released in 2014. The follow-up track, Hustler was backed with Every Night and released on October 28, his birthday. 2015 saw the release of Till I found you and Paradise, as an advance of his 2016 debut album, Night Swim, released on 19th February. .
The Karelia were a Scottish band formed by current Franz Ferdinand frontman Alex Kapranos, known at the time as Alex Huntley, in 1996. The Karelia formed from the ashes of rock/jazz band The Blisters, with Huntley, Alan Wylie, and Glen Thomson of the earlier band joined by Greek drummer Tassos Bobos. Their sound has been described as "prog/techno rock with Iggy-voxed overtones", and "jazzy film-noir lo-fi." The band's only album, Divorce At High Noon, was released in 1997 on Roadrunner Records to little acclaim. Produced by Bid of The Monochrome Set,[1] it was an off the wall mix of rock...
German trip-hop band active in the 1990s. Members: Gregor Hennig and Katharina Gorecki. .
Josef Locke, real name Joseph McLaughlin, was born in Derry, Northern Ireland on 23rd March 1918. He came from a musical family however he was the only one of 9 children to follow a stage career. As a young boy he sang in the local church choir. Aged 16 he joined the British army and within 18 months was promoted to sergeant. He spent sometime as a policeman in Palestine, when he returned home he joined the Royal Ulster Constabulary. he sang in local concerts and gained the nickname "the singing bobby". He got his first break in the Empire...