Convivium Musicum Gothenburgense | fr

Collegium Musicum is an art-rock band from Czechoslovakia and was established by stable member Marián Varga 1969. Prevalent in the band´s repertory are instrumental compositions, comprising re-interpretations of classical music themes (Haydn, Bartók, Stravinskij ...), and original compositions bearing the first signs of artistic post-modernism (Euphony from the album Convergencie). The story of this band was published in book by musician and music reviewer Marián Jaslovský. Star formation of Collegium Musicum were Marián Varga (hammond organ, keyboards, piano), bassguitarist Fedor Frešo and drummer Dušan Hájek. Collegium Musicum played in various formations, also with guitarists Rasťo Vacho (from Blues Five), Pavel...
Convivium Musicum Gothenburgense is a mixed early music ensemble of voices and period instruments that focuses mainly on the music of the renaissance. It was established in the 1970s by Sven Berger at the School of Music and Musicology at Gothenburg University, gaining its current name in 1979. The group has a flexible membership that varies from three to thirty musicians as required. Besides concerts and special events the ensemble has taken part in numberous radio and television broadcasts and made several recordings, most notably Untugend und Tugend, Songs and instrumental Works from the Time of Luther and Still Smiling...
A trouvé 4 Chansons, durée: 08:27
Ronde 03-04 (Convivium Musicum Gothenburgense)
Hellinck: Compt Alle Uut By Twe By Drye
Den III. Ende IIII. Ronde