Andrius Kaniava ir Origami | fr

There are several artists called Origami: 1. Origami (a.k.a. Оригами) are a Russian emocore/alternative band from St. Petersburg. 2. A project called Origami comes from Italy and plays electro-nu-jazz music. 3. Originally from Melbourne, Australia. 3-piece indie outfit specialising in spastic danceable rhythms and catchy guitar and bass hooks. They have since relocated to the US late 2005, leaving behind drummer Lara Bartolo. Origami have toured with Le Tigre and Sleater-Kinney amongst others. 4. San Francisco-based electronic and rock music producer. Origami currently has releases under Cubik and Origami (downtempo) and Origami and Andrew Phelan (house) with an additional 2007...
Origami Arktika is a branch of Origami Republika, a worldwide artists’ collective, whose several hundred members practice art as a way of life. After several releases in Europe, and with both US and European tours as well as TV appearances under their belts, Vardøgr is OA’s first US release. Origami Arktika’s performances call to mind the psychedelic tribal gatherings of the late-60s, and have been known to include fire, incense, full nudity, body paint, and visual effects, all in an effort to break down the wall between performer and audience member. Unique ambient folk dub creating mystical soundspaces. The sound...
Yaporigami is the experimental electronic music project of japanese artist Yu Miyashita. .
Andrius Pojavis est un artiste lituanien né à Jurbarkas le 25 novembre 1983. Andrius a commencé tôt à chanter. Son premier groupe à l'école se nommait No Hero. Après avoir déménagé à la capitale lituanienne, Vilnius, Andrius Pojavis chante avec d'autres bandes. L'un de ces groupes, Hétéro, a remporté le festival EuroRock en 2006. Andrius fit alors carrière de compositeur en Irlande, où il vécut pendant un an. Astuoni, qui comporte 8 titres, est son premier album. Actuellement, le chanteur mène sa vie entre l'Italie et la Lituanie. Son premier single se classa dans le Top 20 lituanien. Andrius Pojavis...