Analogue Birds | fr

En anglais, le mot yardbird, que l'on peut traduire par « volaille », est aussi un terme argotique désignant les vagabonds qui utilisent les wagons de marchandises pour voyager gratuitement. On peut également y voir une référence à Charlie Parker et à son surnom de « Bird ». Histoire Les années Clapton Formé en mai 1963, les Yardbirds jouent alors du rythm'n'blues à la manière de nombreux autres groupes britanniques associés au British Blues Boom tels que les Rolling Stones ou les Animals. L'arrivée à la fin de l'année du jeune Eric Clapton à la guitare permet au groupe de...
Christ Analogue was devised in 1995 by programmer/vocalist Wade Alin. The 1996 release of their debut album, “The Texture ov Despise,” earned the band instant respect and established them as a force in the electronic/industrial music scene. With some of the most aggressive and exciting performances ever seen from an electronic-based project, Christ Analogue developed a strong following in the Seattle, WA, and Vancouver, BC, areas, and they began to contemplate the same exposure on a national level. The punk ethic of their live performances bled over to this effort, with the band booking and headlining their own tours of...
Cloudbirds began writing and recording after their previous project, The M’s(Polyvinyl). Keeping the same studio space, an old Salvation Army Church on Chicago’s North side, the three started a new approach to writing and recording. Simplifying, they traded fuzzed-out electronics, bombastic drums and psych guitar riffs for acoustic guitars and little to no effects. This allowed for their three part vocal harmonies to chime on top of the instrument melodies. The result is folk music with a touch of country and some pop, blending old and new. Cloudbirds are currently working on their second collection of songs with hope of...
Italian production and DJ duo Lucretio (Domenico Cipriani) and Marieu, based in Berlin. Founders of Restoration Records. .
A trouvé 5 Chansons, durée: 23:57
Bear On Speed
Kraut Attack
Bear on Speed (12' Version)
Free As A Bird