Flesh Consumed | fr

Fleshgod Apocalypse est un groupe italien de death metal incorporant dans sa musique des éléments de musique classique et symphonique. Formé en 2007, ayant signé sur Willowtip Records et Nuclear Blast. .
Sid – vocals Igor – guitars Vladimir - guitar Crash - bass Dan – drums FLESHGORE was formed in Nov, 2000. During 2001 was recorded first demo material "Interuterine Dilemms" and played some live gigs in Ukraine. In 2003 the band recorded their debute CD "Killing Absorption" in berlinier Domino Studio. Also at the same time FLESHGORE played the first show in Europe together with The Crown (Sweden), Skinless (USA). In October appeared the first printing of Killing Absorption and band toured in Germany, Sweden, Belgium and The Netherlands.In 2004 Killing Absorption was released by Czech NTEY Records. In March-April...
Septic Flesh (ou Septicflesh) est un groupe de Péplum metal grec fondé à Athènes en 1990. Sa musique, à la personnalité très marquée, intègre des éléments death metal (parties vocales et guitares rythmiques), heavy metal (lignes mélodiques) ou gothic metal (ambiance sombre et mélancolique, emploi de voix féminine soprano). Les thèmes abordés sont principalement la philosophie et la mythologie grecque. Après leur séparation en 2004 après Sumerian Daemons et pour la sortie de leur nouvel album Communion, le groupe change de nom pour Septicflesh. Membres actuels Spiros "Seth" Antoniou (chant guttural/basse) Sotiris Vayenas (chant clair/guitare/claviers) Christos "Chris" Antoniou (guitare) Fotis...
1) Sins of the Flesh is Thrash Metal/Crust band from California, USA. The band starts to play in 1985. In 1988 band releases their debut album called "Greed". After one year, in 1989 Sins of the Flesh records EP under Desperate Attempt Records label which contains 3 songs and it's called "Know Your Enemy". In 1989 they splited-up. 2) Not many acts spend 16 years thinking about how to follow up their first album: yet that is how long the world has been waiting for SOTF to deliver on the promise of 1990's seminal debut FIRST COMMUNION. Hailed by fans...