Vicious Vicious | es

Controvertido, escurridizo, libertino, visionario, artista, genio, bajista, provocador, un niño malo de los 70's...construyó el universo punk mas oscuro con heroína y desafine... Adicto a la sangre, se cortaba con una cuchilla en directo provocando los mas bajos instintos decibélicos... Una palabra le define, (dicha ya por muchos), visionario musical del siglo xx. John Simon Ritchie/Beverly (Londres, Inglaterra, 10 de mayo de 1957 - Nueva York, Estados Unidos, 2 de febrero de 1979), mejor conocido como Sid Vicious, fue el bajista del grupo Sex Pistols y una figura icónica del punk. Estuvo involucrado en el nacimiento del punk pero murió...
The Vicious Five were born out of an invisible Lisbon, made of suburban trips, of boredom as fuel and motive of copyright crimes and of the praise of celebration over spectacle. This quintet's punkrock foundations are set in combos such as X-acto, Shit Sandwich, Sannyasin, Renewal, Croustibat or As Good As Dead. Somewhere in 2003, Paulo S., Rui M., Joaquim A., Edgar L. e Bruno C. band up with a good name and a few ideas. Later that year they self-released their debut EP "THE ELECTRIC CHANTS OF THE DISENCHANTED". They played in Portugal and Spain since then and until...
Vicious Circle is the name for 6 bands. 1. A Drum and bass/Dance band from London, England The 4 man collective known as Vicious Circle began in a flat in South London in 2002. Born out of a mutual love of all things Drum n Bass and with a wide range of influences, this exciting new crew have entered the scene with a bang and intend to continue rocking dance floors with their no holds barred style of deep dark future funk. Inspired by the futuristic techy styles of the late 90s Vicious Circle set about crafting there own distinct...
Provenientes de Filadelfia, Vicious Alliance se formó en noviembre del 2005, quienes con su demo "Humanity Bleeds" han dado que hablar en muchos medios especializados y ganando una legión de fans en EE.UU. Musicalmente la banda combina exitosamente el Future Pop y algo de Trance con sonidos agresivos y asperos del Industrial y el EBM (Harsh/Terror). El resultado es una música lo suficientemente bailable y violenta que te transporta a siniestras pistas de baile empapadas de sangre. Los nombres de Grendel, God Module ó Amduscia se te vendran a la cabeza al escucharlos, especialmente en las partes agresivas, aunque en...
The neo-garage quartet, Veni Vidi Vicious, formed in April 2005. They released their first full-length release, IRIE RACKIT, on October 22nd, 2008. In December of 2007, Veni Vidi Vicious released a split EP with The Mirraz. Their new album, GOOD DAYS, will officially come out on October 5th, 2011. Veni Vidi Vicious’s loud, frenetic, and retroesque music is drenched in the sound of humming guitars and searing snares beneath strident, raspy vocals. The often tinny music beckons of moppy ‘fro-ed guys jamming out in smoke-filled clubs. They are currently signed with mini muff records. Vo/Gt: Ryousuke Irie Gt/Cho:Takeshi Irie Ba:...