Vaginal Cadaver | es

Vaginal Cadaver is a porngrind band from austria and germany. The band was born in april 2009 by Max and Niko. Official Myspace .
Splattered Cadaver is a brutal death metal band from Wisconsin,USA. .
Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition (SCD) is a grindcore group founded in 1996 and originally from Paris, France. They are, along with groups like Blockheads and Inhumate, pioneers of this style in France. This group delivers an extreme music, characterized by very fast drum beats, guitar riffs accompanied by saturated guttural voices and screamed. The group celebrates its 15th anniversary with his fourth and latest album - "SHEEP'N'GUNS" - released September 27, 2011. The design and logo have changed again, sticking more to their musical style. .