The Corleones | es

The Corleones (USA) are from Salt Lake City, Utah. Members: Ryan Jensen-vocals Paul Burke-Guitar Dave McCall-drums Sean Hennifer-guitar Dave Combs-bass They invented violent rock and roll. From Sickboy Records: "vi-o-lent 1:marked by extreme force or sudden intense activity 2: a. notably furious or vehement (also): excited or mentally disordered to the point of loss of control rock 'n' roll 2:popular music usually played on electronically amplified instruments and characterized by a persistent heavily accented beat, much repetition of simple phrases, and often country, folk, and blues elements. .
Encontró 14 canciones, duración: 50:15
The Corleone Of Rap
Game Recognize Game
Armed & Dangerous
Welcome to the Corleone Family
Final Chapter
The Corleone Compound
The Corleone Compound