The Anal Fleas | es

Manal fue una de las bandas fundadoras del rock argentino. El trío, integrado por Javier Martínez en batería, Claudio Gabis en guitarra y Alejandro Medina en bajo, hizo una particular relectura del blues en clave local. En ese sentido, las letras de Manal reflejan la vida urbana del Buenos Aires de fines de los años sesenta y principios de los años setenta. Vale la pena recordar canciones como "Avellaneda Blues", "No Pibe", "Avenida Rivadavia", "Jugo de tomate Frío", en donde una poética cuasi existencialista se despliega, cruda y directa, matizada por inconfundibles trazos de color local. En su relativa corta...
There are at least two artists with this name 1. A psychedelic rock band from Italy 2. A progressive metal band from El Salvador 1. In 1968 german Martin Thurn (guitar) went to an international school in Varese (North Italy) where he founded a band named SONS OF GIOVE. Other members were Wolfgang Schoene, Thomas Schmidt (later PELL MELL) and Jutta Nienhaus. Renamed to The Joice (due to a misprint later YOICE) the band went on in 1970 with drummer Hermann-Jürgen Nienhaus (brother of Jutta) and Mauro Rattaggi (bass), the only italian member of the band. After a lot of...
Anal Stench are a Polish Death Metal band that lyrically focuses on upon one of the most controversial forms of government in existence: Communism. While "Stench Like Six Demons" (2003) had no references to the subject, Red Revolution (2004) focused on all different Socialist subjects. This band is also noted for containing members of Thy Disease, Virgin Snatch, Decapitated (Sauron was the band's vocalist at one point), Sceptic, and Crionics. .
Christ Analogue was devised in 1995 by programmer/vocalist Wade Alin. The 1996 release of their debut album, “The Texture ov Despise,” earned the band instant respect and established them as a force in the electronic/industrial music scene. With some of the most aggressive and exciting performances ever seen from an electronic-based project, Christ Analogue developed a strong following in the Seattle, WA, and Vancouver, BC, areas, and they began to contemplate the same exposure on a national level. The punk ethic of their live performances bled over to this effort, with the band booking and headlining their own tours of...