Tata Vasquez | es

Lela grew up in a family of musicians from Tusheti, the mountainous region of Georgia. With her sad eyes but a happy face, she is an excellent accordion and panduri player, and also a brilliant vocalist, who sings the popular songs of the mountains with a lot of emotion and her own Songs also. Her sister, Eter Tataraidze is Folklorist also, she is working at the Folklore Center of Georgia. She was brought up in the musical atmosphere of her family and continued her studies at the school of music and later on at the philharmonic ensemble of Tbilisi, the...
Cita Citata (born August 14, 1994 in Bandung, Indonesia) is an Indonesian singer and actress. She's became popular since the song "Sakitnya Tuh Disini" are introduced in the soap opera "Diam-Diam Suka: Cinta Lama Bersemi Kembali". She's also played a role in the soap opera. She's began to cultivate the music scene with the single "Kalimera Athena" by Doel Sumbang. At the time of grade 4 elementary school, she often sang dangdut at wedding reception. Since high school, she began to sing pop. Then, she began to sing jazz. She started her career as a jazz singer, but joined the...
Hard funky soul with an Afrobeat backbone from Matata,who arrived on the London scene (via Kenya)in the mid 70s! Matata leaned mightily on the JBs for their groove, and laid out a heavy, rock solid variation on JBs funk with an African percussion base of congas and bongos at the core. The horns take a more Afrobeat tack, too, with punchy blasts and solos peppering the numbers. .
Como si un robot cogiera una guitarra. Así suena la música de Ratatat, dúo de Brooklyn formado por el guitarrista Mike Stroud y el programador y teclista Evan Mast. Su concepción de la electrónica con sabor vintage despuntaba en 2004 con su genial debut homónimo para subrayar después su abstracta personalidad cargada de sentido del humor en ''Classics'' (06). Estirando el funk más plástico, comprimiendo progresivas líneas de pop instrumental, arrugando riffs y beats pegajosos de rock interestelar y salpimentándolo todo con jirones de IDM, hip-hop y metal, enseguida llegaron las comparaciones con Mirwais, The Art Of Noise, Brian Eno...
Change to Mario Vazquez (see http://www.last.fm/music/Mario+Vazquez) .