Sven-Bertil Taube | es

Abstürzende Brieftauben (word play on "Einstürzende Neubauten"; German for "Falling Carrier Pigeons") was a German fun punk band, lasting from 1983 to 1997 (one single reunion concert in 2002). Forming members were Konrad Kittner and Mirco Bogumil; Oliver Rosthal joined the band in 1993. On 11th of may 2006 Konrad Kittner died at the age of 44. .
Sven-Bertil Taube, born November 24, 1934, is a Swedish singer and actor. The son of Evert Taube and Astri Taube, he is most known for his renditions of his father's songs. He has also sung numerous Carl Michael Bellman songs, as well as poems by prominent Swedish poets such as Erik Axel Karlfeldt and Nils Ferlin. Taube currently resides in London, England. .
Evert Taube Axel (ayuda info) (12 de marzo de 1890-31 de enero de 1976) fue un autor sueco, artista, compositor y cantante. Él nació en Gotemburgo, y criado en la isla de Vinga, Bohuslän, donde su padre, Carl Gunnar Taube, un capitán del buque, era el guardián de faro. Su madre era Julia Sofía Jacobsdotter. En 1925, se casó con Astri Linnéa Mathilda Bergman, pintora y escultora. Murió en Estocolmo y está enterrado en el cementerio María Magdalena de la Iglesia en Södermalm. Después de haber pasado dos años (1907-1909) vela por todo el Mar Rojo, Ceilán y el sur...
Richard Tauber (16 May 1891 – 8 January 1948) was an Austrian tenor acclaimed as one of the greatest singers of the 20th century. Some critics commented that "his heart felt every word he sang". He was born in Linz, Austria to Elisabeth Seiffert, an actress who played soubrette roles at the local theatre. His father, Richard Anton Tauber, also an actor, was not married to his mother and was unaware of the birth as he was touring America at the time. Richard accompanied his mother on tour to various theatres but she found it increasingly difficult to cope, and...