Sun In Aquarius | es

1. Alias of drum & bass producer Photek 2. An American band from the 1960's 3. A Japanese group 4. A Belgian choir, led by Marc Michaël de Smet, mostly specialized in classical music of the 20th century like Alfred Schnittke and Arvo Pärt. The chamber choir, consisting of 24 musicians, embraces this age and participates in this exciting, confusing and gaudy shift, where old and new, classical en popular, sacred and secular, progressive and conservative are combined. Founded in 1995 under the name of Goeyvaerts Consort, this ensemble has expanded, and using a new name, its vision is to...
Symphonic Power Metal from Russia (Moscow). .
Hasta el año 2005, la carrera de Brian Brewster se encaminaba por el dancehall, sin embargo, al tarsladarse ese año a París, su rumbo musical dio un giro radical hacia la electrónica. En la ciudad francesa conoció al trío dOP, con quienes pasó largas horas en el estudio de grabación y que reorientaron su música, lo que no quita que siga manteniendo en su empleo de la melodía vocal cierta pulsión caribeña. Aquarius Heaven se configuró en el verano de 2010. El origen de este nombre consiste en que su amigo Clement (de dOP) y él, siendo colabores estrechos, cumplen...
Sun in Aquarius is a solo project of Jake Rose, 22 years old, origionally From Eastern Victoria,Australia.He is currently living and studying sound engineering in Byron bay. This is purely a experimental project with no rules and genre restrictions, Jake gets a real kick out of collaborating with musicians collaborations are always cooking. His songs are constantly pushing further towards original sampling rather than the use of loops.. add that with a combination of experimenting with various digital and analog synths as well as creative sampling and field recordings, he pushes towards experimentation but yet winds back to luscious soundscapes...
House Of Aquarius was a Swedish band that relased one album "The World Through Bloodred Eyes" and then disappeared into oblivion... The Eleventh House, The House Of Aquarius, is the house of group creative expressions. It is the desire to pool and merge the time, efforts and resources of the individual with those of the larger society in order to create something new for the benefit of everyone. Enhancement of the polity overwhelms the desire for self-aggrandisement, the walls of Ego come tumbling down and the individual communes with the totality of the species. House Of Aquarius was a Swedish...
Encontró 71 canciones, duración: 13:55:09
Pharoah Sanders
Little Girl (Mr. Bill Remix)
Liquid Dreams (Ft. Alice Spacedoll) [2011]
I am an Octopus [WIP]
Soldier Crab (WIP)
Marianas Trench ft. Nick Garraway
Sun In Aquarius
Riders On The Storm Remix [2010]
Enigmatik PODCAST01-Sun In Aquarius
Free Radicals
Free Radicals
My Journey Into The Sun / We are One [2009]
Sand Bubbler
A Song For Those That Miss Someone
Sun In Libra, Moon In Aquarius, Venus In Scorpio
Wytaliba (The Girl By The River) [2011]
Riders on the storm
Cycleswithincycles [Sun In Aquarius rmx]
Elasticity [2009]
Little Girl
Soldier Crab
Sun In Aquarius - Wytaliba
Baby Dolphin Mafia (WIP)
Baby Dolphin Mafia
Sun in Aquarius
Cycleswithincycles bootleg
Hairylairyness [2011]
Squid Marks [2013]
Little Girl (Xenoscapes Remix)
Birds of prey
Sun in Libra, Moon in Aquarius, Venus in Scorpio
Still Rain (Sun In Aquarius Remix)
Sunset Sleepers Sketch [2013]
Jawbreaker [От Силуэта]
Sun in Aquarius, Session Two \glitch
Fish Lips (WiP)
Synthesize My Soul [2012]
The Sand Bubbler [2011]
Sombre Aftertaste [2010]
Reverse Entropy (Sun In Aquarius Remix)
Soldier Crab [2013]
Think Some Different [2012]
Sun in Aquarius - Enig'matik Records
Bird of Prey Remix [2010]