Step Softly, Ghost | es

1) STEP BY STEP is a japanese ska band. 2) Step By Step is a gangsta rap group from Watts, Los Angeles, CA. .
There are three artists by the name 'Ghost Town.' 1.) A Garage Rock/Evil Surf/Lo-Fi Pop band from Bournemouth, UK, Britain (UK) on the label 'Party's Over'. 2.) A five piece hardcore/metal band from the Gold Coast, Australia. Sam - Vocals Daniel - Guitar Chris - Guitar Jackson - Bass Shaun - Drums Taking influences from such bands as Converge, Trap Them, etc... They have played countless local shows.. Toured Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia & Singapore. Releases: This Is The Way The World Ends - EP (2008) Calamities - Album (2010) Ghost Town is with Deadsouls records
The band originated after Guitarist, Steve Lombardi and Drummer, Nick Lombardi decided to create a new band with a new sound. While jamming one day with their friend Tyler Kilby, they decided to create something completely different. With nick switching over to bass, and Tyler on drums, a strong bottom end for the band would be created. Now in search for a singer, they quickly got in contact with a friend of theirs – Scott French. While jamming with Scott they knew right away he was exactly what they were looking for. All the recordings were originally created and produced...
Trabaja en el campo del arte digital y la música electroacústica. Uno de sus principales intereses es la realización de conciertos y performances. Actualmente prepara una obra audiovisual en colaboración con la artista argentina Carolina Mikalef, que será presentada en la próxima edición del festival Sónar de Barcelona. Su octavo disco solista Virginals ha sido editado por el sello Touch de Londres. .
Sería en California y a finales de 1967 cuando el cantante, compositor y guitarrista John Kay formaría Steppenwolf, junto con los ex miembros Sparrow, el baterista Jerry Edmonton y el tecla dista Goldy Mcjohn, y los nuevos músicos Michael Monarch, como guitarrista líder y Rushton Moreve al bajo, quien sería reemplazado por John Morgan a los pocos meses de iniciar su andadura. Su primer sencillo "A girl I knew", posteriormente aparecerían "Sookie Sookie" y "Born to be wild" con el que causo sensación en 1968 y se convirtió en todo un himno de la contracultura estadounidense. Ademas fué en la...