Parasitic Anomaly | es

Parasitic Extirpation began its existence in the fall of 2007 shortly after the disintegration of New England death metal outfit Porphyria. Blue Spinazola (Guitar, also of Dysentery/Sexcrement) and Tim Murphy (Vocals) were left to press on and continue brutalizing, and they did by quickly recruiting ex-The Taste of Silver drummer Alex Carrara to solidify a concrete foundation. The group then integrated Drew Copeland-Will of Proteus/Dysentery into the low end pocket and Chris Kessaris (3 Headed Monster) into lead guitar position. The end result is a precise and tightly woven fusion of technical death metal & guttural, groove-laden insanity. The band...
3-piece macho hippie combo with a desire to ignore gravity. members came from those once legendary but long-forgotten dutch trash-a-gogo-bands called the bones, dexter, surfhell, the works, los looches, hero's and zero's, the astonishing, franco formica, the amoks, dynamo irie, the pedro delgados, footstomp, one chord miracle, mongrell, blind bob and the grillplates, uberniggah. as you might have noticed, quite an active crowd, taken into concideration that none of them has passed the age of 55. visit .
There are nine artists with this name: 1) Death metal band from Lithuania. 2) Producer/Hip Hop DJ based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is most notably known for collaboration with Rhymesayers emcees Slug, Eyedea and his partner DJ Abilities. 3) Dutch band. 4) Downtempo producer from Evanston, Illinois. 5) Progressive metal band from Pasadena, Maryland. 6) Musician from Russia. 7) Progressive rock super group. 8) Alter ego of Thorleifur Gislason, Icelandic electronica composer. 9) Queer punk/hardcore from Chicago 1) Anomaly is Death metal band from Lithuania (Klaipėda), band was formed in 1993 and expressed its brutal ideas on a full-length debut...