Nicandro Castillo | es

To the Damon Castillo Band, Laurel Lane is more than a studio on a street near some old train tracks in the hills of San Luis Obispo, California. It is home. Strewn with vintage amps, tattered couches, and recording equipment bought piece-meal over the last five years, it is the hearth that has beckoned, soothed, and housed the band through life’s many ups and downs. Like the place that has been described as everything from a boxing ring, to a church, to a hideout, the highly anticipated new album, Laurel Lane, is an emotional autobiography that contains a band’s long...
Violeta Castillo es una cantautora argentina que conjuga la predilección por la canción como formato universal con el interés por experimentar con nuevas estructuras. Sus canciones no suelen seguir el patrón estrofa-puente-estribillo, y sin embargo, más allá de diferentes registros que pueden moverse entre la balada amorosa, el soul y cierta orientación electrónica, son indudablemente pop. A principios de 2011 editó "Uno" y "Otro", su doble EP debut, a través del sello YoConVoz.. En esa época la revista Rolling Stone se refería a ella como “la exponente más pujante de una nueva camada de cantautoras". Un año después, en 2012,...
Daniela Castillo Nacio un 26 de Septiembre de 1984 en Santiago de Chile. Desde muy pequeña demostro sus aptitudes para el canto. Logro el estrellato en Chile gracias al programa de television Rojo Fama Contrafama, el programa se convirtio en un fenomeno de sintonia y venta de discos. Asi logra en Noviembre del 2003 lanzar su primer disco titulado ''Daniela Castillo'', el disco fue un Exito logrando Doble Disco de Platino y numerosos exitos radiales. Asi seguira su ascendente carrera musical con Cuatro Videoclips, un segundo disco editado titulado Obsesión, Premios en Chile, Fans por todo el pais, y mucho...
Pianist and composer of classical origin who focused her career to New Age Music, mainly solo piano, nowadays called Adult Contemporary Music. Her long career has evolved through personally way, getting an own stamp into the notes that emanate from her piano. Her discography consists on her four albums, “Moods for piano”, “Secretos del Corazon”, “Eleven Drops” (apart of some issue unrealised and some collaboration) under Neuronium Rds Label, Barcelona-Spain , and the last one NOW edited and publised under THE BORDERLINE MUSIC RECORDS -Granada, Spain adn DiscBlau. All the albums produced by Paz del Castillo Music,except the first one...
DEL CASTILLO began as a CD project for family back in the winter of 2000 and has become a symbol of the cross-cultural power of music with their eclectic blend of Flamenco, Rock, Latin, Blues, and World music. Between the release of their first CD, Brothers of the Castle back in 2001, to their 2006 release, Brotherhood, Del Castillo has received an astonishing 18 awards including SXSW/Austin Music “Album of the Year” Awards for Vida (2002) and Brotherhood (2006), “Band of the Year (2003)”, ASCAP’S “Best Independent Group of the Year (2005)”, and Austin Music Pundits “Best Live Act (2004)”....