Luigi Masi | es

Nuevo artista de UK, telonero de las Girls Aloud y Sugababes en su Tangled Up Tour y Change Tour. Su primer disco Save His Shoes saldrá a la venta el 1 de Junio .
Luigi Archetti was born in Brescia, Italy, on 5 February 1955 and has lived in Switzerland since 1965. He is a composer, music performer, sound experimenter, guitarist and visual artist (painting, installations, drawing and video) and has developed a number of sound installations and cross-over projects. He has initiated various music projects in the avant-garde and experimental music fields (electronica, improvisation, noise and computer music) and has realised various live film soundtracks and live video performances. He has performed with various projects as well as solo in Switzerland, Germany, the UK, Austria, France, Italy, Poland, Liechtenstein, Canada, the US, Japan...
Henri Tomasi (August 17, 1901 – January 13, 1971) was a French classical composer and conductor. Henri Tomasi was born in Marseille, France, in the working class neighborhood on August 17, 1901. His father Xavier Tomasi and mother Josephine Vincensi were originally from La Casinca, Corsica. At the age of five, Henri and his family moved to Mazarques, France where his father had a job as a postal worker. At this time his father enrolled Henri in music theory lessons. At the age of seven, Henri entered the Conservatoire de Musique de Marseille. Pressured by his father, Henri played for...