Henny Vrienten | es

Henny-C (aka The CaseMan) is a rapper. He loves tits, dogs, and provolone cheese. His music speaks for itself. If you need a friend, he'll be there to punch you in the thigh and call you a piece of shit. Henny Includes: € Rhymes & Vox by HENNY C (aka the Caseman, aka Tank) ‡ Music by DJ CAL-ZONE (aka Big Ol' Cal, aka Android, aka Mister Weed)>. Henny's influences include: Usher, R Kelly, Marvin Gaye, rainy days, passionate nights, tits, grolsh, butt, ass, and tits covered in stinky provolone cheese... weed. you can watch the music video for bark...
Henny Vrienten (born Tilburg, The Netherlands, 27 July 1948) is a Dutch musician, composer and singer-songwriter, best known as bass player, vocalist and songwriter of Doe Maar, the Dutch-language reggae/ska/pop band that became one of the most popular bands of all time in The Netherlands. Vrienten played in Doe Maar from 1980 until the band's break-up in 1984. Having played in several beat bands in his home town of Tilburg, including Les Cruches, Vrienten's professional career in music really took off in the early 1970s when he joined the backing band of legendary singer-songwriter, Boudewijn de Groot. One of his...
Er is veel wat Frank Boeijen, Henk Hofstede en Henny Vrienten bindt. Hun vakmanschap als liedjesschrijvers bijvoorbeeld. Het zijn drie perfectionisten, dat hoor je in elke track van hun gezamenlijke cd Aardige Jongens. De drie liedjesschrijvers hebben voor dit uniek samenwerkingsproject elk vier songs ingebracht, die ze vervolgens samen uitwerkten. .
Encontró 11 canciones, duración: 37:10