Gorje Hewek | es

Galina Grigorjeva was born in the Crimea, Ukraine. She studied at Odessa Conservatory and St Petersburg Conservatory. She later moved to Tallinn to study with Lepo Sumera and has remained in Estonia as a resident where she now works as a freelance composer. Performers of her music have included Hortus Musicus (Andres Mustonen), Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir (Paul Hillier), Moscow Chamber Orchestra (Constantine Orbelian), Kremerata Baltica (Gidon Kremer), Moscow Patriarchate Choir (Anatoly Grindenko), State Choir Latvia, Kroumata Percussion Ensemble (Sweden), and the Raschèr Saxophone Quartet. .
Slavogorje ("Hill Of The Slavs") is Croatian-Polish band which combines raw black metal with neofolk and ambient music, strongly bound to nature and seasons, inspired by Slavonic history, tradition and belief. Official sources: Facebook | Bandcamp | Youtube | M/A .
Hewek was actually born and raised in Bulgaria, where he credits his parents' record collection with an early, generically fickle passion for music. That same enthusiasm quickly led to a slightly more serious and conservative education, with special attention paid to the accordion and double-bass - both of which seem rather unwieldy options for a young boy. His transition to Russia commenced with a certain wanderlust, caused and funded by DJ-ing work. In fact, at the age of sixteen and with the help of his then girlfriend, he was also playing on a regular basis in Italian venues. This enthusiasm...