Giacomo Cataldo | es

Giacomo Lauri-Volpi (11 de diciembre de 1892 Lanuvio, —17 de marzo,1979 Burjassot), fue un tenor italiano que desarrolló su carrera por toda Europa y América durante más de cuarenta años. Nació en Lanuvio, Italia, se quedó huérfano a los once años. Tras terminar la educación secundaria, realizó estudios medios en Ariccia, Alatri y Albano, así como los superiores de Jurisprudencia en la Universidad de Roma. Estudió después canto en la Academia di Santa Cecilia de Roma, con Enrico Rosati y Antonio Cotogni. Debutó en Viterbo el 2 de septiembre de 1919 con el papel de Arturo en la ópera ‘I...
Owner and director of GBMUSIC music productions, is a self-taught musician of various instruments, who grew up with the records of Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream, J.M. Jarre, as well as the Beatles and Italian artists like Pino Daniele. As early as 1985, still very young, he worked in many recording studios, working on music technology/computers as an audio engineer, a midi expert and arranger. He has always been enthralled by the world of computers and music technology, having experimented in this field and continuing to study the relationship between sound and its effects, so as to compose pieces dense with noises...
There are two artists called Giacomo: Giacomo is a DJ and producer from Germany. Giacomo started earning his living as a DJ in clubs and at underground parties of the German electronic music scene in 1994. His interest and skills in music soon made him produce his own works. His first steps in producing he made supported by only small and slow computers. Giacomo steadily kept on growing in attitude. In 1999 he continued working as a DJ successfully and expanding his home studio equipment to the extend of his personal perfectionist requirements. He made his dreams become music, he...
Giacomo Cataldo (N. 1977) empezó sus estudios musicales con el violín y más tarde se cambio por el piano, antes de dedicarse a la composición. Su sonido es del siglo 21, el cual abarca el lenguaje musical que se desarrollo en el siglo anterior, pero sin excluir ninguna de las posibilidades expresivas de la tradición que hay detrás de este. Sitio web oficial: .
Cataldo is an unsigned indie band originally formed in Minneapolis and currently located in Seattle, WA. The name for the band came from a building near where singer Eric Anderson grew up in Moscow, Idaho. .