Fanfara Zece Prajini | es

Fanfara Tirana is an absolute novelty among Balkan brass bands. In comparison with traditional Slav brass bands this one is different and new thanks to the well articulate music language which is essentially based on a very enthralling melodic path with the support of other instruments. Melody is committed to the clarinet, sax-alto, trumpet and sax tenor expressing their stile of pure improvisation defined as "kaba" (typical of music from South Albania) and "gazel" (typical of music from Tirana and neighburing villages). These are tipical Albanian songs, full of vitality, of impossible odd times and frenetic passages of north Albania...
Fanfara Kalashnikov, originally from the region of Moldau in North East Romania, is a famous extravaganza of brass music. Since they were children the musicians have been playing at family and village celebrations, including weddings, birthdays and naming ceremonies. They learned from the cradle to play an extraordinary mixture of speed brass in the Balkan-Oriental style, with strong jazz and funk influences. Kalashnikov plays klezmer, bossa, polka, waltz, flamenco and even mambo in the Balkan style. Their music is an extremely modern interpretation of centuries-old music traditions; however as most of the band members are under 30 years old, their...

Vídeo Fanfara Zece Prajini