Dennis Farina | es

1 - Mark Farina es uno de los tantos pseudónimos del productor italiano Mauro Farina. Con dicho alias lanzó al mercado dos albumes, Big en 1990 y Red Monster en 1993. Varios singles salieron de estos albumes, tales como Russian, Big, o Take My Love. 2 - Mark Farina es el nombre de un músico Americano que hace música Jazz y House. Sus trabajos más famosos son Mushroom Jazz y Frisko Disko. .
A member of New York's Liquid Liquid, Dennis Young has gone on to record several excellent solo albums. His most recent being Shadow. Visit for more information and to buy. .
Dennis Mitchell, a.k.a D.T.,b.k.a. DENNIS THE MENACE, was born in Detroit, MI in 1982. At the age of 5 , Dennis moved to Sumter County Alabama (COATOPA) to live with his grandmother. Coatopa, AL is where Dennis learned to dream big . With only one channel to watch (lol) on television and no role models in site, it was only a matter of time before music became a vital element for pain and joy with Dennis. Living in Coatopa , AL wasn't easy. Considered to be one of the most low income areas in the south, Dennis had plans that...
Gran músico y cantante, fue vocalista de la Banda Styx, fue la mejor época de esta gran banda, realizó su carrera en solitario en la mitad de la década de los 80,s con grandes clásicos como "Dessert Moon. .