Cidade Viva Music | es

Musica Elettronica Viva could not be easily defined as one band. Instead, MEV was closer to a movement based around the idea of free improvisation in the form of experimental, electronic jazz.In the early '70s, there were three different (but related) bands that went by the name: one in New York that included Richard Teitelbaum and Frederic Rzewski; one in Paris, led by Patricia and Ivan Coaquette (before his Spacecraft days); and one in Rome, founded by Alvin Curran. In 1970, the French label BYG issued two recordings that included members from each of the branches of MEV. The first...
Creedence Clearwater Revival (CCR) fue una banda estadounidense de rock con gran aceptación mediática y popular a finales de los 60 y comienzos de los 70. El grupo estuvo integrado por el cantante, guitarrista principal y compositor John Fogerty, el guitarrista rítmico Tom Fogerty, el bajista Stu Cook y el baterista Doug Clifford. El estilo musical de la CCR combinaba el rock and roll y el género conocido como swamp rock. Treinta años después de la disolución del grupo, la música de la CCR se mantiene como base de la historia americana, y es a menudo citada o incluida en...
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (Venecia, 4 de marzo de 1678 - Viena, 28 de julio de 1741). Compositor del alto barroco, apodado il prete rosso ("el cura rojo") por ser sacerdote, pelirrojo y vestir una capa roja. Compuso unas 770 obras, entre las cuales se cuentan 477 concerti y 46 óperas. Su padre, el violinista Giovanni Batista Vivaldi, fue su primer maestro, otro de los cuales fue, probablemente, Giovanni Legrenzi. El 18 de septiembre de 1693 ingresó en un seminario y recibió sus primeras órdenes religiosas. En 1699 fue nombrado Subdiácono (4 de abril), luego Diácono (18 de septiembre de 1700)...
There are several artists with that name: 1) Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, Greg Smith, and Jeff Bobula. Survival is an album of dark and meditative heavy rock. 2) A Straight Edge Hardcore band from Manchester. FFO: Righteous Jams, Wrong Side, Mental, Rotting Out.... Demo released 2011. 3) Steve Kielty has been involved in both production and engineering since the inception of drum & bass back in 1993/94 when he kicked off his musical career as a studio engineer. Around this time he paired up with Roy McCabe under the guises of Akustic Research and Banaczech and released on the prolific Vinyl...
There are at least 3 groups known by the name Revival. 1) Revival is an alt. country band formed by Josh Read and Evan Berodt of Canyon and Jay Farrar's touring band. Riding back in on the Horses of War, recent-dead tangles with Canyon and Jay Farrar pushed like bodies out the rear door of memory, these are men on a mission – to assume the aching on behalf of all us sad sinners, to alight in the night for a moon they know is reachable. Open spaces aren’t wide enough, high and lonesome not sparse enough, even the rain...