Bedtime for Bonzo | es

There are at least three known artists under the name Bonzo: 1. Bonzo is an indie/pop punk band from Ann Arbor, Michigan, composed of guitarist/vocalist John Sciortino, bassist Mac Porter, guitarist Maya Chun, and drummer Tristan Garwood. Their debut album, Summer in Japan, was released on December 8th, 2014, their sophomore release, 88.3, was released on November 8th, 2015, and their third album, Stranger, was released on October 15, 2016. 2. Bonzo es una banda comandada por el vocalista y guitarrista de BBS Paranoicos, Omar Acosta, en complicidad de dos grandes músicos: Fefe , quien se hace cargo del bajo,...
Bedtime for Charlie is currently a three-piece punk rock band based in Rome, Italy. Gaining their influences from the american melodic hardcore scene, consisting in bands such as NOFX, Lagwagon, Good Riddance, No Use for a Name and Bad Religion. Giacomo (bass and vocals) and Domenico (drums) started the band in their early teens back in 2001, along with other young friends. The rough and immature sound of the beginnings went on gaining consistance with time, until the line up found its stability in 2005 with the entry of Alessio (guitar), intersecting guitar riffs with now former member and guitarist...
Like the five lion-shaped robots that combined to form Voltron, the animated giant sword-wielding superhero, Bedtime for Toys are five distinct musical talents that have come together as a force to be reckoned with. URB Magazine called it "...a celestial hybrid of electro, hip hop, pop and metal", while Rolling Stone Magazine found the band defied easy description and just simply named them one of the "Top 25 Bands on MySpace." No matter what you call them, they are a proverbial 'Dream Team' that creates a paint bomb of musical styles and shocks the status quo in a way maybe...
BLACK BONZO se forma con lo quedó del grupo de rock psicodélico GYPSY SONS OF MAGIC en el invierno de 2003. Los primeros seis meses la banda dedicó mucho tiempo para practicar en su salón de ensayos ubicado en Skellefteå, Suecia, dedicación que les sirvió para encontrar un sonido que reflejara el correcto humor de las canciones. Pronto produjeron su primer demo conteniendo 17 temas, demo que llegó a la mesa de B&B Records quienes ofrecieron a BLACK BONZO un contrato para su Sello discográfico. A principios de 2004 la banda comenzó a grabar su álbum debut, realizándolo en julio...
Bonzo Dog Band fue una banda británica que se creó en 1965 y estaba formada por el cantante y trompetista Viv Stanshall, el cantante, pianista y guitarrista Neil Innes, el intérprete de banjo Vernon Nowell, el batería “Legs” Larry Smith, el vocalista y armonicista Bob Kerr, el percusionista Sam Spoons, los saxofonista Rodney Slater y Roger Ruskin Spear. Esta banda británica sobresalió por la conjunción de la sátira con aspectos vodevilescos, el jazz o la psicodelia. En principio, influenciados por el dadaísmo, se hacían llamar The Bonzo Dog Dada Band, quedándose simplemente como The Bonzo Dog Band tras rebautizarse durante...