18e Oktober | es

Fucking Mind-bending, brutal experimental grind band from Northampton PA. Their Discography is as follows: "That's How Tripods Work" Full Length, a self-titled 7", and a Split 7" w/ Get to the Chopper. Some of the Bands Formed After OS were "Poo On A Stick," "The Motel Bible," "Movieline Romantics," "Drug Rug," "Carpenter Ant," "The High Court," and "Fight For The Throne." They held a reunion show to honor the late Joe Beers on Sunday June 14, 2009. Fun was had. There was much rejoicing. .
Born out of the Hootenanny Club and the Singebewegung (Singing Movement) Oktoberklub was a political activist's song group in the GDR (German Democratic Republic/ East Germany). The band derives its name from the october revolution and establishment of the GDR. Oktoberklub (also Oktober-Klub) sang international political songs (partially in Nachdichtungen), self-creations as well as traditional people and combat songs.. Apart from normal song evenings with mixed repertoire it led also revue-like arranged programs starting from 1971. Its musical style was a mixture of German Chanson, Folk and Rock music. It was created 1966 and existed until 1990 .
Indie, experimental, ambient, no single label accurately describes the music created by Oktober People. Their live shows ebb and swell with miraculous unpredictability-one minute you're swooning in melodic bliss, the next you're blindsided by sheets of razor-sharp guitar and bombastic rhythms. Nathan Santa Maria - Guitar, Vox Christopher Moffatt - Drums Rhian Batson - Bass Sean McCullough - Guitar .