Paradox | es

Hay varios artistas con este nombre. 1. Paradox es un grupo de thrash metal formado en Alemania, en 1986 El grupo nace en Würzburg, en 1986 con dos jóvenes músicos, Charly Steinhauer y Axel Blaha. Ambos miembros fundadores de otras bandas ( Overkill, Veneno, Maniac, Warhead) desde el año 1981. En febrero de 1986 consiguen a Markus Spyth a la guitarra y Roland Stahl al bajo. En julio del 1986 graban una demo, la cual llama la atención de Roadrunner Records, discográfica con la que acabarían firmando para sacar su dos primeros álbumes. En 1987 sale su segundo demo “Mistery”...
There is more than one Paradoxx on 1. An Australian synthpop group. 2. A Chicagoan heavy metal band who issued one extremely rare 12" EP, 'Plan of Attak' (1985). Future Manowar guitarist David Shankle joined them after the EP's release, & can be heard on their compilation track "Night Ryder". There are also bands named Paradoxx from Sacramento, California & Vasaa, Finland. .
Calm Paradox is Michelle Kennedy. And in many ways, Michelle Kennedy is a calm paradox. For starters, Ms. Kennedy is half-Jewish (mother) and half-Persian (father). Moreover, the agnostic liberal was raised as a Mormon in the Texas Christian "Bible Belt." Some might even raise eyebrows at the fact she majored in Philosophy at a religious institution -- to which she will quip that her alma mater had an excellent philosophy program. Law student by day, indie rocker by night.... the 20-year-old singer-songwriter is a super [trooper] hero of sorts: Kennedy was a classically trained vocalist and harpist before she took...
New York based PARADOX TRIO creates original music inspired by Eastern European, Balkan, Gypsy and downtown traditions. In the last seven years the quartet has toured and played major festivals throughout the U.S., Europe and Canada. The group's dynamic performances and approach cut across stylistic and geographic boundaries creating an unusual and eclectic sound, redefining the concept "world beat". The group features Matt Darriau on two unique and lyrical Bulgarian instruments, the Kaval (end-blown flute, like the Arabic ney) and the Gaida (bagpipe) as well as saxes and clarinets. With Brad Shepik on guitars, Rufus Cappadocia on cello and Seido...
Zen Paradox is the principle name under which Melbourne native Steve Law records and performs electronic music. Primarily involved in the production of techno as well as other more experimental electronic sounds, Law is reputed to have been one of Melbourne's principle live electronic acts since 1994. His first musical efforts were released in cassette form for the Melbourne Ambient Music cassette release in the mid 1980s, then in the early '90s he was a member of industrial music group Foil. He was also a principle act on local Melbourne labels Psy-Harmonics and IF? Records from the early 1990s, performing...