Manners | es

There are four groups called Manners. 1. Manners is a hardcore band from New Haven/Hartford, Connecticut, formed in 2010. The band is composed of vocalist Chris Hague, guitarists Ian Edgerly and Jay Holmes, bassist Michael Magas, and drummer Danny Sheridan. The band has released two EP's entitled "Escapism" and "Apparitions," that can be heard at their official Myspace, or Facebook 2. Manners is the experimental folk project of Greg "Sun" Benson from Portland, Maine. 3. Manners is a post-rock band from Mundelein, IL. They are currently recording and releasing demos. One demo is up for release on...
There are two bands called Heavy Manners 1. Heavy Manners were a ska band from the 80s, one of the earliest ska bands of the Chicago era. They played with an impressive array of national and international acts (The English Beat, The Clash, Third World, Jimmy Cliff, The Ramones, The Go Gos, Grace Jones, Peter Tosh), recorded tracks in the studio with Peter Tosh and released two records on Disturbing Records. Heavy Manners played a couple reunion shows at Halsted Market Days on August 11 & 12th, 2007. and Summer of 2008. 2. Heavy Manners are from London and make...
Joseph McManners (born 3 December 1992, in Canterbury, Kent) is an English actor and singer. He lives on a non-working farm in Petham near Canterbury and recently left Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys (also in Canterbury) for a boarding school after being awarded a drama and academic scholarship. McManners decided to become a singer after he heard the song My Heart Will Go On whilst watching the film Titanic at the age of 8. He plays the violin and the piano and is learning to play the guitar. McManners auditioned for the lead role in the BBC's operatic version...
Grupo formado hacia 1979 y el el cual cabe destacar el protagonismo del vocalista y líder del grupo, Douglas Trendle, más conocido como Fatty Bloodvessel, orondo skinhead y auténtico hombre-espectáculo en directo. Junto a él, encontramos a Louis Cook a la guitarra, a Brian Tuitt a la batería, Alan Sayag a la armónica, Paul Hyman como trompeta, Andrew Marson como saxo alto, Chris Kane como saxo tenor, Dave Farren al bajo y Martin Stewart a los teclados. Esta será la formación de 1980, con la cual sacarán al mercado su primer single "Ne-Ne Na-Na Na-Na Nu-Nu / Holidays" y poco...