ZIYO MIER Production | de

Lumiere is Éilís Kennedy and Pauline Scanlon; two exceptional vocalists from Dingle, County Kerry, Ireland. Éilís Kennedy’s sound has ready access to the soul without need for fanfare or spotlight. Éilís performs regularly in County Kerry and is much sought after for her natural and genuine interpretations of songs, both old and new, sung in her native Gaelic and in English. Pauline Scanlon is an award-winning singer from the same Kerry town of Dingle. She is part of a tradition of Irish female voices; all personal interpreters of their physical and spiritual landscape. Scanlon has two critically acclaimed albums to...
Hablar de LOS MIER es hablar de armonía en las voces, y talento musical. Es hablar de versatilidad y sobretodo, es hablar de un grupo que, gracias a su profesionalismo, dedicación y entrega, es considerado hoy en día como uno de los principales grupos en su género. Sus integrantes son originarios de un pequeño poblado de Nuevo León llamado El Cercado, que pertenece a Villa de Santiago, N.L., lugar turístico donde se localiza la Presa de la Boca, y la Cola de Caballo. Por la sangre de LOS MIER corre la herencia musical que les dejara su padre, Don Nicandro...
Ziyo 1.) "ZIYO started sometime in January 2004, when Helen walked into a guitar shop and was conned into guitar lessons by lead guitarist Da Ming. Two lessons in, they both came to the conclusion that 1 Helen had no real talent as a guitarist, and 2 Da Ming had no great patience for teaching. But they manage to salvage the relationship by forming a band, later recruiting Mao Mao whom Da Ming had met in a subway underpass only months before with similar dreams of rock stardom. Mao Mao recruited Zhang Jie an ex-bandmate in a very briefly formed...
One third of The Marcia Blaine School For Girls, of Glasgow/London. Clunky beats and a smattering of nice. .