Voorheen de Bende | de

Pinebender is a rock band from Chicago, Illinois. In autumn of 1997, Matt Clark, Chris Hansen, and Stephen Howard got together to manufacture a series of songs that Hansen had written. Cast in a second-floor bedroom at Stephen's parents' Wilmette, Illinois, home, the music revolved around crawling tempos and loud, soaring guitars. After relocating the gear to a proper rehearsal spot within city limits, the band set its sights on recording. They booked studio time at Electrical Audio Recording in February 1998. The songs recorded during that session, engineered by Greg Norman, would become the Too Good To Be True...
Hennes Bender (* 19. Februar 1968 in Bochum) ist ein deutscher Kabarettist. 1990 spielte er im Schauspielhaus Bochum den Hamlet. Von 1992 bis 1997 trat er zusammen mit Heinz-Peter Lengkeit als das Comedy-Duo „Lengkeit gegen Bender“ auf. 1997 beendete er sein Studium der Filmwissenschaften an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum mit der Magisterarbeit „Die Mittelaltersymbolik in den Filmen Monty Pythons und Terry Gilliams unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des ‚Parzival‘ von Wolfram von Eschenbach“. Seit 1998 moderierte Bender beim Jugendsender des Hessischen Rundfunks, hr XXL (heute you fm), die sonntägliche Radio-Comedy-Sendung „Toast“. Darin präsentierte er sein komödiantisches Talent, stellte neue Kinofilme vor und veranstaltete...
The Hellbenders are a great spaghetti western / country / cowpoke combo featuring 3/4 of renowned surf/instro band The Volcanos. After releasing two great CD's for Estrus Records, along with a whole bunch of 7"ers, most of the band decided to do a "side-project" and came up with this fabulous 21 track release. Featuring 9 instrumental songs, 8 vocal songs and 4 short instrumental interludes, this is great listening for fans of The Sadies, Ennio Morricone, Friends Of Dean Martinez, Johnny Cash and Calexico. Here's what the press has said about 'Today We Kill...Tomorrow We Die': Well, all I can...