Noize Punishment | de

School Food Punishment (formerly school food punishment) was a 4-piece electronic rock band formed in late 2004 in Tokyo, Japan. The founding members were Yumi Uchimura (内村友美, guitar & vocal), Atsushi Ueda (上田睦, bass), Masayuki Hasuo (蓮尾理之, keyboards), and Katsuya Katano (片野勝哉, drums). They released their first mini album early in 2007. "SCHOOL FOOD IS GOOD FOOD" (2007) provides interesting soundscapes and neat electronic tricks. The focus, however, is on Uchimura's soft, mature vocals, and Hasuo's piano work. The band showcases a smokey jazz lounge style, raw drum sounds, and a welcome dose of electronic atmosphere. During their years as...
Electro Industrial Power Noize. Gto, Mexico. Cd`s. Demo:Misconduct, Ninfomana. Biography Ingles... DEVICE NOIZE It begins in 2010 with small sequences And with the audio program management. All self-taught because it is not wise The management of programs up to experiment. MISCONDUCT on the debut album And later entitled NINFOMANA He put some samples of series And films of everyday life of the SEPTAN. In the third album Still no date of departure He begins to put his own voice The only member so far. Rhythmic sequences within a four by four to one hundred With a regular tempo of 142...
Noize MC aka Иван Алексеев родился 9-марта 1985 года в г. Ярцево Смоленской области. Папа – музыкант, мама по образованию химик. В 1994 году родители развелись. Интерес к музыке стал проявлять в десятилетнем возрасте, зимой 1995-96 года, прямо с середины года, пошёл в музыкальную школу по классу классической гитары. В 1997 году переехал с матерью в Белгород. Дважды стал лауреатом Белгородского областного конкурса исполнителей на классической гитаре: 1-е место в 1998 году и 2-е – в 2000-м. Участвовал в различных локальных самодеятельных музыкальных коллективах, самыми известными из которых стали достаточно хорошо известный Интернет-слушателю хип-хоп-проект «Face2Face» и панк-рэп команда «Rыchigy Mashыn»....
There are several bands calling themselves Punishment 1) Punishment - Cleveland, US Punishment finds WT Statler piloting a mess of late-80s synthesizers through the back catalogs of post-CBGB Suicide (think YB Blue), Yellow Magic Orchestra, and even those electronic Leonard Cohen records into a post-2000s realm of emotional honesty (via text message) and the sort of ringtone-friendly sounds James Ferraro would appreciate. 2) Punishment - Philadelphia, US Signed to the Thorp label, Punishment had more drummers then Spinal Tap. Punishment toured in stolen vans on tours booked using pay phones, calling cards and the U.S postal service. Punishment busted their...
Agonoize (von engl. "Agony" = "Todeskampf" und "Noise" = "Lärm") ist eine 2002 von Mike J. und Olli S. gegründete, aus Berlin stammende Elektro- bzw. Aggrotech-Band. Stil Die Band selbst vergleicht ihren Stil mit Elektro-Größen wie Suicide Commando oder Klinik (heute Dive). Die meisten Songs weisen englische Texte auf, doch vor allem auf den jüngeren Releases befinden sich vermehrt Songs mit deutschen Lyrics. Außerdem zeichnet sich die Band durch ihre außergewöhnliche Bühnenshow aus, in der Utensilien wie Kunstblut und -sperma zahlreich zum Einsatz kommen. Bandgeschichte Gegründet im Jahre 2002 und nach der Veröffentlichung der ersten Single „Paranoid Destruction“ bei ihrem...