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The Decay are a Canadian punk band, hailing from Guelph, Ontario, and operating in and around of the DIY punk scene. They are a part of the free digital destruction group - JuiceBox Records -, where you can download their album, as well as many other amazing punk albums from the area. .
1. Metronome (メトロノーム) is a Japanese band which is often described as Techno-punk, and that takes its influence from many genres, including techno, rock, hardcore and pop. They have also been described as gamewave and nintendocore. Their songs typically sample video game, or video game inspired, sounds and while being based in rock, are heavily electronic as well. They have a total of 22 official releases, albums and singles. Metronome is an indie band based in Tokyo with a small but loyal fanbase, along with scattered fans overseas. Metronome's claim to fame is that they travelled from the future—The year...
Living Decay is and always will be a death metal band. Living Decay is based in Atlanta, GA and shreds hard. Go to for more gnarly tunes or to order merch. .