Jenova Reunion | de

facebook bandcamp soundcloud Formed In: 2011 Hometown Location: Townsville QLD Australia Genre: Progressive Metalcore/Djent/Electronic Band Lineup Jack Van Rynswoud About The Jenova Project is a side project by Jack Van Rynswoud. This is basically to show people the music i can write and express my technically and knowledge of other genre's. Description Djent fused with Electronic, Deathmetal, Deathcore, post-hardcore and Metalcore. .
Benannt haben sie sich nach dem urtümlichsten und charakteristischsten bosnischen Musikgenre. Der Sevdah (vermutlich arabisch für "Liebe, Begehren, Ekstase") Die Idee zur Band entstand mitten im Balkan-Krieg, als der Musikredakteur Dragi Šestic im zerstörten Mostar einem improvisierten Konzert von Delic beiwohnte, begeistert war, und schließlich den Plan fasste, um ihn und den hochvirtuosen Akkordeonisten und Klarinettisten Mustafa Santic eine Band zu gruppieren. Mit Musikern von Rock-, Jazz- und Folk-Background aus Mostar und Sarajevo, sowie der macedonischen Gast-Diva Ezma Redzepova wurden nach und nach die ergreifenden Poesie-Vertonungen für das Debütalbum in der Heimat eingespielt. Als Begleitensemble zweier vergessener Roma-Stars fungierte die...
The Reunion Show was an American band from Long Island, New York. They released one album on Victory Records before three members of the group moved on to form Action Action. The group formed from members of Step Lively, The Waiting Process, and Edna's Goldfish in 2000, and soon after began touring the United States. They released an EP in 2002 and signed to Victory Records a few months later. Their debut full-length, Kill Your Television, arrived late that year. In the summer of 2003 guitarist Sherman and bassist Diaz left the group and were replaced by two former members...
Spirit Family Reunion play homegrown American music to stomp, clap, shake and holler with. Ever since they started singing together on the street corners, farmer's markets and subway stations of New York City, their songs have rung-out in a pure and timeless way. When Spirit Family Reunion gather to sing, there is communion. Strangers and neighbors come to rejoice in the sound, and there is no divide between performer and spectator. In a strange barroom or a grand music hall, at a barn dance or on the sunny street corner, Spirit Family Reunion keep the book open, and that old...
Jenovavirus was a guttural slamming brutal death metal band from Oonojyo / Fukuoka, Japan. The band was formed in 2005 by Sowtiis (Vocals), Atutician (Guitar) and Hexelvidom (bass), and create odd atomspheric, creepy slam. The music has its moments with techenical death metal arpeggiated riffs, plenty of slams and Disconformity-ish blasting parts. They self-released their debut demo in 2006 which has six amazing clean production slamming gutteral tunes on, which has hit the scene in a wave of low gutteral gurgling, punchy slams and atmorspheric interludes giving it an odd but tasteful feel. The band is currently polishing their debut...