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Every Little Thing (エヴリ・リトル・シング) ist eine 1996 gegründete japanische Pop-/Softrock-Gruppe. Every Little Thing veröffentlichten 1996 ihre erste Single 'Feel My Heart'. Die Songs wurden meist von Mitsuru Igarashi geschrieben und auch produziert. Während der letzten Jahre haben Every Little Thing ihren Stil immer mehr vom Synthesizer-Pop-Rock zum akustischeren Soft-Rock verändert. Die Single 'Sure' (2000) bezeugt den Wandel der Band. Es war die letzte Single, an der Mitsuru Igarashi mitgewirkt hatte. Kaori Mochida und Ichiro Ito führten das Band-Projekt als Duo fort. Kaori Mochida änderte auch ihren Gesangsstil, damit ihre Stimme besser zu den neuen Arrangements passt. Besetzung: - Mochida Kaori...
Everything is a pop/rock band from Virginia. They were most active in the mid to late '90s and early '00s. The band was formed in 1990 by students at James Madison University. Going on the road full time in '92, they played 200-250 shows a year for nearly the next 10 years, starting in the mid-Atlantic, and then gradually expanding their grass roots fan base until it extended across half of the U.S. The band released its first 3 albums independently, selling almost 30,000 cds before signing a brief and ill-fated deal with Capricorn Records in 1995. Larger scale success...
Bad Things are punk rock/roots rock band hailing from Los Angeles, California. Their debut album is expected to come out January 21, 2014. The band consists of Davis LeDuke as the lead vocalist, Shaun White (known for his snowboarding and skateboarding accomplishments) as the lead guitarist, Jared Palomar in bass, Anthony Sanudo as rhythm guitarist, and finally, Lena Zawaideh in drums. .
Wild Thing is a american hardcore band from Houston, Tx. Wild Thing is a punk band from San Francisco, CA. Their "You're a Punk" 7inch was released on Clown College Records in 2009. Line Up: Nasty Neil - Guitar/Vocals Bad Boy Brace Belden - Bass/Vocals King of the Forest - Drums .