Harry Chester | de

Joey Coombes (born March 21, 1976), better known as Chester P, is a much respected rapper in the UK hip-hop scene. A founding member of Taskforce, Mud Family and Bury Crew, Chester earns particular praise for his freestyle capability. His rap name is taken from a psychedelic British comic book from the 1970s, "Brainstorm" (written by Bryan Talbot). His lyrics are as notable for their leaning towards mythology and esoterica as for their descriptions of life on the streets of north London. Chester P grew up in Highbury, North London and still lives there today with his brother Farma G...
Harry Belafonte (* 1. März 1927 in Harlem, New York; eigentlich Harold George Belafonte) ist ein US-amerikanischer Sänger, Schauspieler und Entertainer. Belafonte wird als Sohn eines Matrosen aus Martinique und einer jamaikanischen Hilfsarbeiterin in New York geboren. Er wächst im New Yorker Schwarzenghetto auf und zieht 1935 mit seiner Mutter und seinen beiden älteren Brüdern in deren Heimatland Jamaika. 1939 kehren sie zurück nach New York und er besucht dort die George Washington High School. Während des Zweiten Weltkrieges gehört er der US Navy an. Nach einem Theaterbesuch in einem „Negertheater“, in welchem Paul Robeson auftritt, beschließt er Schauspieler zu...
"Harry Shotta's my favourite MC right now..." Rodney P If success is rewarded by hunger and hard work then it will come as no surprise that Harry Shotta is now recognized as one of the most gifted and versatile MC’s in the UK. An invitation from life long friend MC Funsta to join him on the Drum N Bass stage at the Notting Hill Carnival led to a whole batch of DNB P.A’s and radio appearances. As an MC who has paid his dues in the world of Hip Hop Harry Shotta had been working on tracks with Skibadee, one...
Ilan Chester (Ilan Czenstochouski) was born in Jaffa, Israel on July 30th 1952 but was raised in Venezuela. His parents, from Jewish roots, zionists escaping from World War II, arrived in Venezuela in 1954. He studied at Colegio Moral y Luces where he later graduated. Ilan Chester has incorporated a global range of influences into his music. Inspired by Tito Rodriquez, the Puerto Rican multi-instrumentalist who was one of the spearheads of New York's Latin music scene, Chester was equally enamored of American R&B and British rock. His music has grown to include elements of classical music, jazz, Afro-Caribbean, and...
There are (at least) two artists using the name Chesterfield. 1. an electronic musician, chipmusician, and circuit-bender in Kobe, Japan 2. a band from Newcastle, Wyoming, US --------------- It has become more than just popular opinion that a great majority of todays music lacks a certain attitude and spirit heard and seen in musical generations of the past...A certain passion. However, growing among these circumstances is hidden music of great fervence. This music is not an easily kept secret and has exploded onto the scene spreading like wildfire. This music is Chesterfield. To watch Chesterfield perform live is to witness...