Gustavo Santaolalla Otnicka | de

Gustavo is the stage name of Gustavs Butelis (born 19 June 1978 in Riga), a Latvian rapper and producer. He began performing in the band Fact in 1995 in Riga, Latvia. After the break-up of the band he started a successful solo career and has released 4 albums. He has written the music and lyrics for a number of theatrical performances. He also produced the Prāta Vētra 2008 album, Tur kaut kam ir jābūt. Gustavo is a seven-time Latvian Music Award winner. .
Pronounced "Robotneechka", Robotnicka is a dancing band of anarcho-geeks from Dijon France and Greensboro North Carolina. ROBOTNICKA's sound is a throw-your-toaster in the bathtub shock of beeps, hilarity, shrieks, and chants fronted by chanteuse ZESEAL GOUBET. Di$co-SyNTh-R!OT-PuNk hailing from Dijon France, ROBOTNICKA is the soundtrack to a revolution won by mischief, pranks, bombs, and laughing gas grenades. This is the singalong dancetrack to the fall of corporate empires and fascist governments. With technology designed to destroy technology, and robots to destroy robots, their instruments act as weapons, implements of sure doom for politicians and CEO's, the countdown to the surprises...
Garoto-prodígio do pagode, Gustavo Lins não ficou intimidado com o que esperava por ele na Via Show, dia 15 de março. Entupida, a casa de espetáculos de São João de Meriti, na Baixada Fluminense, recebeu dez mil pessoas - três mil ficaram de fora - para a gravação do seu primeiro DVD e CD Ao Vivo. Vale destacar: tudo isso numa terça-feira. Depois de emplacar uma dezena de sucessos radiofônicos com seus dois álbuns, o cantor, que começou a tocar violão aos 9 anos e escreveu sua primeira letra, inspirada num namorico de verão, aos 13, revisa o repertório da...
Karriere In den 1980er und 1990er Jahren gehörte er zusammen mit Charly Alberti und Zeta Bosio der argentinischen Spanisch-Rockband Soda Stereo an. In den frühen 90er Jahren startete er außerdem eine Solokarriere. 1991 veröffentlichte er mit Daniel Melero das Album Colores Santos. 1994 erschien sein erstes Solo-Album Amor Amarillo. Beim Titelsong wirkte Hector (Zeta) Bosio, der Ex-Bassist von Soda Stereo, mit. Das Lied Bajan war ein Remake eines Werkes von Luis Alberto Spinetta. Nach seiner Bandkarriere erschien 1999 sein Album Bocanada mit elektronischen Samples und Beats, das er wegen der Texte und Musik eigentlich Cerati Iluminado nennen wollte. Das Album...